
where do you get the dictionnaries ?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-03-17

    Hello.  I saw your project when I was looking informations about exporting the words list from hunspell/aspell and ispell.  What I was trying to do, was to convert the file  : american-huge (ispell) to aspell, to be able to dump it from aspell by the command line.  but I wasn't able to find the info.

    and I saw in your project's files, that the english dictionary contains the word : workflow.  Which is not present in the basic dictionary. 

    I really what to know how you did it, if you can share that info.

    thanks again.

  • i-net software

    i-net software - 2013-03-18

    How you can read on the JOrtho home page the dictionaries are generated from


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