
Jikes RVM / News: Recent posts

Jikes RVM 3.1.4 released

Jikes RVM version 3.1.4 has been released and is available for download at

Details are browsable online in our JIRA instance at

Posted by Dave Grove 2016-02-18

Jikes RVM 3.1.3 Released

Jikes RVM version 3.1.3 has been released and is available for download at

Details are browsable online in our JIRA instance at

Posted by Dave Grove 2013-02-12

Jikes RVM 3.1.1 Released

Jikes RVM version 3.1.1 has been released and is available for download at

Details are browsable online in our JIRA instance at

Posted by Dave Grove 2010-07-05

Jikes RVM 3.1.0 Released

Jikes RVM version 3.1.0 has been released and is available for download at

It's been almost nine months since the release of Jikes RVM 3.0.1, and quite a bit has changed in Jikes RVM. We'd like to call out several items that may be of particular interest to the community.

  1. Jikes RVM has switched to using native threading instead of m-to-n (aka green) threading.
  2. The default mature space collector has changed from Mark-Sweep to Immix.
  3. Jikes RVM is now licensed under the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
  4. The 3.1 release significantly improves over the performance of 3.0.1, with speedups of 10% and 21% on average for DaCapo and SPEC benchmarks respectively on an Intel C2Q. Highlights include a 29% improvement in jbb and a 32% improvement in jython.... read more
Posted by Dave Grove 2009-06-10

Jikes RVM 3.0.1 Released

Jikes RVM version 3.0.1 has been released and is available for download at

The detailed release notes for major changes since 3.0.0 can be found below or in JIRA (

** New Feature
* [RVM-507] - Initial prototype of TuningFork trace generation in Jikes RVM
* [RVM-515] - Make boot image writer traversal of object graph configurable
* [RVM-517] - Reflection optimization
* [RVM-528] - Support for eclipse-project with Harmony class libraries
* [RVM-634] - Add RuntimePure annotation to indicate when a Pure annotation should only be respected at runtime
* [RVM-673] - Implement Inline.When.AssertionsDisabled pragma... read more

Posted by Dave Grove 2008-10-16

Jikes RVM 3.0.0 released

We're very happy to announce the release of Jikes RVM version 3.0.0.
The road towards 3.0 began just about two years ago and a large number of
people, both on the core team and from our user community at large,
have contributed to making it a success. Thank You!

The release is available for download at

The detailed release notes for major changes since 2.9.3 can be found
below or in JIRA (,
but we'd like to highlight some of the larger themes that went
into the 3.0 release (many of which have already been released in
the 2.9.x releases we've made along the way).
** Normalization of source code and build process
*** Complete rewrite of the build/test systems to use ant.
*** Jikes RVM can be developed in Eclipse using the JDT
*** Extensive restructuring of package structure
*** Removal of VM_ and OPT_ prefixes from all source files.
** Increased system stability and performance
*** A new continuous testing system (
*** Concerted stability and performance drives
** Java 5 support
*** Support for Java 5 language features
*** Use of Java 5 language features throughout the code base

Detailed list (89 issues closed in the 3 months since 2.9.3)... read more

Posted by Dave Grove 2008-08-07

Jikes RVM 2.9.3 Released

We're very proud to announce that Jikes RVM version 2.9.3 is now available for download! It's been a little bit longer than usual since the last release and there's been quite a bit of activity on the project and improvements to the system. The appended release notes capture many of the highlights; for more details see the hyperlinked version in JIRA ( ... read more

Posted by Dave Grove 2008-05-11

Jikes RVM 2.9.2 Released

We're very proud to announce that Jikes RVM version 2.9.2 is now available for download. As you can see from the appended release notes, there's been quite a bit of activity on the project since 2.9.1!

The release is available at

New Features

* [RVM-121] - Separate code space for dynamically generated code
* [RVM-231] - Alignment checking (for IA32 and debugging purposes only)... [read more](/p/jikesrvm/news/2007/10/jikes-rvm-292-released/)
Posted by Dave Grove 2007-10-21

Jikes RVM 2.9.1 available

We're very proud to announce that Jikes RVM version 2.9.1 is now available for download. There's been quite a bit of activity on the project since 2.9.0, and all kinds of good reasons to move up to this new version of Jikes RVM!

The release is available at The release notes are appended below:

*Jikes RVM 2.9.1 Release Notes (July 2, 2007)
** Highlights... read more

Posted by Dave Grove 2007-07-03

Jikes RVM 2.9.0 available

We're very happy to announce a new release of Jikes RVM: version 2.9.0. Quite a bit has changed since 2.4.6 and we'd welcome feedback on the changes as we head towards a 3.0 release later this year. Thanks again to everyone who has pitched in to make this one of the most exciting Jikes RVM releases since our initial open source release in 2001!

The release is available at The release notes are appended below:... read more

Posted by Dave Grove 2007-03-15

Jikes RVM 2.4.6 available

Jikes RVM version 2.4.6 is now available for download from at

** Highlights
*** The recommended version of GNU classpath for Jikes RVM 2.4.6 is 0.92.
Earlier versions of GNU classpath are not supported.

*** A large scale restructuring of the source tree was performed
to prepare for making it easier to develop Jikes RVM using Eclipse.
All files except for the Java source to Jikes RVM itself was moved
out of the RVM_ROOT/rvm directory. RVM_ROOT/rvm itself has not yet
been reorganized so that package/directory structures match, but we
anticipate this happening in the near future.... read more

Posted by Dave Grove 2006-10-19

Jikes RVM 2.4.5 available

Jikes RVM version 2.4.5 is now available for download from at

*Jikes RVM 2.4.5 Release Notes (released August 14, 2006)
** Highlights
*** The recommended version of GNU classpath for Jikes RVM 2.4.5 is 0.92.
GNU classpath version 0.91 will work, but Jikes RVM 2.4.5 will not
compile against versions of GNU classpath before 0.91.... read more

Posted by Dave Grove 2006-08-14

Jikes RVM 2.4.4 available

Jikes RVM version 2.4.4 is now available for download from at

The main change since version 2.4.3 is that we've moved from GNU Classpath 0.23 to 0.90. The release notes are appended:

*Jikes RVM 2.4.4 Release Notes (released March 15, 2006)
** Highlights
*** The recommended version of GNU classpath for Jikes RVM 2.4.3 is 0.90.
Classpath 0.18, 0.19, and 0.20 are likely to still work, but have not
been tested.... read more

Posted by Dave Grove 2006-03-15

Jikes RVM 2.4.3 available

Jikes RVM version 2.4.3 is now available for download from at

*Jikes RVM 2.4.3 Release Notes (released February 24, 2006)
** Highlights
*** The recommended version of GNU classpath for Jikes RVM 2.4.3 is 0.20.
Classpath 0.19 and 0.18 are likely to still work, but have not been tested.
Support for all version of GNU classpath prior to 0.18 has been removed.... read more

Posted by Dave Grove 2006-02-24

Jikes RVM 2.4.2 available

Jikes RVM version 2.4.2 is now available for download from at

Jikes RVM 2.4.2 Release Notes (released on November 21, 2005)
*The recommended version of GNU classpath for Jikes RVM 2.4.2 is 0.19.
Classpath 0.18 is expected to still work, Classpath 0.15 and 0.17 may
still work, but have not been tested.... read more

Posted by Dave Grove 2005-11-21

Jikes RVM 2.4.1 released

Jikes RVM version 2.4.1 is now available for download from at

The main change in this release is support for classpath 0.18, although there are also some opt compiler bug fixes and enhancements.

The Release Notes are appended below.

*The recommended version of GNU classpath for Jikes RVM 2.4.1 is 0.18.
Classpath 0.17 is expected to still work, Classpath 0.15 may still
work, but has not been tested.... read more

Posted by Dave Grove 2005-09-15

Jikes RVM 2.4.0 available

Jikes RVM version 2.4.0 is now available for download from at

The Release Notes are appended below.

** OS X is working again.
Support for running Jikes RVM on OS X has been restored.

** Major MMTk Refactoring.
The most significant refactoring to MMTk since the initial release has
been completed. The MMTk Plan class hierarchy has been split to more
clearly distinguish global and local state, and move toward a more natural
Java style. This has involved substantial changes to the plan hierarchy,
which is now structured a set of subpackages under org.mmtk.plan. For more
information on the MMTk refactoring please refer to the tutorial and
cheatsheet in the MMTk/doc directory, both of which are intended to
assist with users migrating collectors to the new release.... read more

Posted by Dave Grove 2005-08-11

Eclipse & MMTk

I'm very happy to say that the final step in making Eclipse work seamlessly with MMTk was completed today. You can point Eclipse at the $RVM_ROOT/MMTk directory and you should find that it works seamlessly without errors. There is now a .classpath file in the MMTk root directory which tells Eclipse where to find the various classes (the org.mmtk.vm stubs and the org.vmmagic stubs are in a new "ext" directory now). This is in cvs now and will appear in the next release.... read more

Posted by Steve Blackburn 2005-05-26

Jikes RVM 2.3.6 available

Jikes RVM version 2.3.6 is now available for download from at

The Release Notes are appended below.

*Jikes RVM 2.3.6 Release Notes (released on May 23, 2005)

** Just like 2.3.5, this release of Jikes RVM does not work on OSX.
If you use Jikes RVM on OSX please help us fix it so subsequent
releases will support OSX again.... read more

Posted by Dave Grove 2005-05-23

Jikes RVM 2.3.5 available

Jikes RVM version 2.3.5 is now available for download from at

The Release Notes are appended below.

Jikes RVM 2.3.5 Release Notes (released on April 8, 2005)
** This release of Jikes RVM does not work on OSX.
If you use Jikes RVM on OSX please help us fix it so subsequent
releases will support OSX again.... read more

Posted by Dave Grove 2005-04-09