
#501 Assertion failure in OPT_GenericStackManager on PPC


Occurs on PPC Linux when running the dacapo jython
benchmark and pseudojbb, with a FastAdaptiveMarkSweep
build (and probably others). Looks to be caused by the
latest committed change, as backing this out appears to
fix it.

The stackdump is:

vm: somebody forgot to conditionalize their call to
assert with
vm: if (VM.VerifyAssertions)
vm internal error: assert called when !VM.VerifyAssertions
-- Stack --
at line 573
_assert(ZLjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V at line 552
Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/VM; _assert(Z)V at line 534
at line 1086
perform(Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/ir/OPT_IR;)V at line 2438
performPhase(Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/ir/OPT_IR;)V at line 129

perform(Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/ir/OPT_IR;)V at line 80

perform(Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/ir/OPT_IR;)V at line 141

perform(Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/ir/OPT_IR;)V at line 141

perform(Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/ir/OPT_IR;)V at line 141
execute()Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/opt/ir/OPT_IR; at line 105
at line 222
at line 377
at line 519
doRecompile()Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/VM_CompiledMethod; at
line 179
run()V at line 54
Lcom/ibm/JikesRVM/VM_Thread; startoff()V at line 781


  • Ian Rogers

    Ian Rogers - 2005-12-12

    Logged In: YES

    Hi Robin,

    which change did you back out? This is a bug caused by the
    changes to the OSR_YieldPoints (I believe) which previously
    didn't have their operands renamed during register
    allocation. This led to OSR_YieldPoints refering to
    registers that were no longer defined on Intel. I removed
    the code that stopped renaming being applied to everything
    but OSR_YieldPoints (in OPT_GenericStackManager) and that
    stopped the problem of undefined registers being referenced
    on Intel - so we passed more IR validation than we did
    previously. Looking at the PowerPC OPT_StackManager the
    needScratch method returns false for a OSR_YieldPoint but
    true for everything else (there's a nice comment of "//
    PowerPC does not support memory operands"). Reading the
    javadoc this means that the OSR_YieldPoint on PowerPC
    references memory operands (which the PowerPC doesn't have
    and the comment points out). It seems the PowerPC
    OPT_StackManager needScratch routine should always return
    true regardless of the instruction operator, but this may
    have a detrimental effect on register allocation which was
    previously choosing to ignore these scratch registers. I
    guess this was the cause of the conditional compilation
    which was causing the odd behaviour I was seeing on Intel.
    We could re-introduce the conditional compilation around the
    VM._assert(NOT_REACHED) on line 1086 for PowerPC, but I
    don't think this makes the code particularly intelligible.
    We should probably make needScratch always return true for
    PowerPC and then add a check around the spill register
    creation code that says not to do it for PowerPC
    YieldPoint_OSR instructions. But we should probably redefine
    these operands to something sane to avoid the use with no
    definition validation error. I don't understand why PowerPC
    OSR_YieldPoint instructions are so special :-).

    The whole of the register allocation is due for a (graph
    colouring) rethink, but in the mean time the linear scan
    algorithm needs patching up. Not fully understanding the
    history behing all of the hacks/improvements may be someone
    else can write the patch to fix this. For more hacks of the
    register allocator see line 999 of OPT_GenericStackManager
    whose bug tracking numbers don't appear to make sense when
    you follow them through (2642 should be about a bug with the
    ECX register but the new reference number 1147274 talks
    about a bug with ESP).

    Regards, Ian Rogers

  • Ian Rogers

    Ian Rogers - 2005-12-12

    Logged In: YES

    I should have read the comments more, the bug tracking on
    line 999 do make sense but the dirty fix has been in place
    for 3 years - bleugh :-(. This is all unrelated to the yield
    point stuff anyway, I just remember not liking it when I was
    trying to fix up the validation - primarily on Intel trying
    to get to the cause of bug #1363830 so the loop versioning
    could be enabled by default.


  • Dave Grove

    Dave Grove - 2005-12-12

    Logged In: YES

    The assert in questions is a VM._assert(NOT_REACHED).

    So, yes it should have been guarded by if
    VM.VerifyAssertions, but we should never reach that program
    point in any case.

  • Dave Grove

    Dave Grove - 2005-12-14

    Logged In: YES

    back out change to OPT_GenericStackManager for now.

    Have to consider more carefully if this is actually the
    right fix.

  • Ian Rogers

    Ian Rogers - 2005-12-14

    Logged In: YES

    Why not back it out for the PowerPC, add the verify
    assertions line and add some health warnings e.g.
    in OPT_StackManager:
    // for some reason PowerPC OSR_YieldPoint instructions think
    they can have memory operands (?)
    in OPT_GenericStackManager:
    // ignore the PowerPC stack manager telling us it can have
    memory operands here, it can't, so do nothing. HEALTH
    WARNING: This will lead to uses of operands that haven't
    been defined and will fail certain IR verifications.

    It seems a shame to have this PowerPC botch making a mess of
    allocation for Intel and regressing us so that we have
    instructions referencing undefined operands again (imo).


  • Dave Grove

    Dave Grove - 2005-12-21

    Logged In: YES

    To properly fix this, someone needs to take the time to go
    through and understand how OSR_YieldPoint instructions are
    being used in the backend to generate OSR maps. Once we
    have a better grasp on that, it should be more clear what
    the constraints on their operands need to be.


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