Eric BRECHEMIER - 2007-10-24

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I agree with you Stevan. I think the encoding option would be more useful, on a file by file basis, than the Unix/Mac/DOS option currently available (bottom left).

A desirable behavior could be:
- when first opening a file, display it using the default encoding specified in global Editor properties
- display the list of available encodings in a drop-down replacing, or on the side of Unix/Mac/DOS drop-down list. The default encoding is selected until user changes something; for some file types (XML) the actual encoding of the file can be detected from the file content and used instead of default encoding
- when the user selects a different encoding, text display is refreshed, using the chosen encoding (this is not a conversion of the underlying data from one encoding to the other)
- on saving, data is saved using selected encoding, for example default or detected encoding if the user did not select a different one