
#16 Context Tagging - Go to method or class definition

robert p.

Much like what's in Visual Studio or Visual SlickEdit,

It would be nice to be able to go directly to a class
that contains a certain Method definition or to a
class itself. This concept is referred to as "Tagging"
in slickedit (

So if I am in one source file and I see a method or
class that I would like to look at, all I would have
to do is right click on the method/class name and
select "go to definition" or something like that. Then
jext would open that file. I could be based off of
a "tag file" of some sort. This would essentially be a
database of the locations of the source files. So if a
user wants to go to a particular method/class, that
method/class would have to be defined in one of those
files in the database.

Also, the database should be able to be reconstructed
and added to, when new src files are created or a user
wants to add new src files that he/she has stored on
their filesystem.


  • robert p.

    robert p. - 2002-02-06
    • summary: Go to method or class definition --> Context Tagging - Go to method or class definition
  • pasto1d

    pasto1d - 2002-11-07

    Logged In: YES

    You could also support etags tag file format (the gnu
    tool 'etags' generate a tag file for Emacs). Etags understand
    the syntax of C, Objective C, C++, Java, Fortran, Pascal,
    Cobol, LaTeX, Scheme, Emacs Lisp/Common Lisp,
    Postscript, Erlang, Prolog and most assembler-like
    syntaxes. Etags can also make tags based on regexp

  • Paolo

    Paolo - 2002-11-16

    Logged In: YES

    It's a good idea. It could be implemented as a plugin using
    ctags(or etags-the etags uses another format and it's for
    emacs), a unix but also for other platform program(see for a
    good version, which also can behave as
    etags) which writes the database in a text form. It already
    supports 28 programming languages, and I think it's the best
    such program. Do you agree? However, since there is one
    standard format(or better two, the ctags and etags one) the
    thing to do would be writing (or porting to Jext from another
    editor) a plugin for the format, which will support the syntax.

  • robert p.

    robert p. - 2002-11-19

    Logged In: YES

    ctags sounds good to me. Creating it as a plugin works for
    me as well.

  • robert p.

    robert p. - 2002-11-20

    Logged In: YES

    I checked out ctags in jedit ( Works great. I
    think it is the way to go for this feature.


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