
What features do you want?

  • Cameron Zemek

    Cameron Zemek - 2005-06-08

    Please vote on what you would like to have the most?

    Here are some things I have on my list (in no particular order):
    * Freeze panels (ie. fixed row/columns)
    * Multiple range selection (allows selecting multiple groups of cells. Eg. A1-C3 and E1-G3 at same time)
    * Row and column selection (by clicking on row/column header)
    * Replace GenericCellRenderer with renderer that can wrap and rotate text (via attributes on CellStyle). Also support richer font settings (strike-through, underlining, etc).
    * Clipboard support (including copying of CellStyle)
    * Drag & Drop
    * Style caching (share instances of CellStyle when they are the same; thinking of making CellStyle immutable and having builder for constructing the style)
    * XML (custom scheme) file loading/saving
    * OpenOffice Calc file importing
    * Excel file importing
    * Integrate chart generation (from selecting data from spreadsheet)
    * Accessibility support
    * Undo/Redo
    * Change tracking (to allow integration with version control systems)
    * Applet edition (support loading/saving documents from web server)

    • Neil Gordon

      Neil Gordon - 2005-06-22

      - Freeze panels (ie. fixed row/columns)

      If we could click on a header and sort it would be nice (like in a JTable)


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