
#1918 SFTP gets confused by `~/.ssh/config`


I got a new work laptop where I have to use Windows.
And now with WSL 2 decided to give it a try without Cygwin, but use the Git for Windows bash as local shell and a WSL distribution for more sophisticated things.
Due to that my custom SSH config and so on moved from the old laptop D:\Programme\Cygwin\home\<user>\.ssh\config to C:\Users\<user>\home\.ssh\config, so that the Git-Bash ssh can find the config and use it properly.

But this then started to interfer with the SFTP part of the FTP plugin as the configurations from the SSH config file overruled the manually typed in things. For example if you define a User via config file, but type in a different user in the dialog in jEdit, the one from the config file is used. Or if you specify a different port it still uses the one from the config. And also the other way around, if you just use one of the aliases you defined in the SSH config file (say asdf) where also a port is configured, then this port is used to connect, but the plugin suddenly transforms sftp://asdf/mnt/data/file.txt to sftp://asdf:22/mnt/data/file.txt everywhere like history, perspective, and so on which is at best misleading and at worst will lead to further problems.


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