I have a bug with the backup folder and (S)FTP files. I think this behavior was ok in older jEdit version (I don't know exactly when) because I've always used backup on never noticed this weird behavior.
I setted my backup folder. For exemple "C:\Documents\jEditBackup\"
Backup on every save, suffix and prefix are ok. But the backup location seems a little bugged.
For example if I open a SFTP file myfile.txt from sftp://user@server_ip:22/home/user/myfile.txt
On backup, I was expecting backup in the following location :
The folder "C:\Documents\jEditBackup\server_ip\home\user\" is created, but it is empty.
Real backuped file are in the following folder :
"C:\Documents\jEditBackup\C\Documents\jEdit 5.5.0\sftp\user@serverip22\home\user\myfile.txt"
It seems like the file path inside the backup folder includes the whole jEdit app folder location and server location instead of only takes the server location and path, its really annoying and does very very long folders path.
Here is my example :
Backup location is "C:\Users\J8242818\Documents\jEditBackup"
jEdit app location is "C:\Users\J8242818\Documents\jEdit 5.5.0"
configuration :
empty path, that I was expecting containing saved files
Real file backup path :
jEditBackup forder contains two threes :
So would it be possible to investigate on this (double threepath + very long real saving path)
Sorry for my english, and thank you
Sorry it seems pictures failed to be included, and I have no edit option, so here is the link with all screenshots :
edit : jEdit 5.5.0 and java 10.0.2
Last edit: jerome c. 2018-07-30