
Installing JDiveLog on Vista 64 Bit

  • Declan McGrath

    Declan McGrath - 2007-04-14

    Hi folks,

    I've just gotten the latest cvs version a couple of days ago and tried to compile it using 'ant build' on a 64bit Vista box. Got the error

    c:\Projects\Java\cvsprojs\JDiveLog\build.xml:28: taskdef class com.izforge.izpack.ant.IzPackTask cannot be found

    I did a bit of googling on com.izforge.izpack.ant.IzPackTask and downloaded izpack and installed it. Then I tried to just use your JDiveLog installer and tried to install JDiveLog the client application (not worrying about source code or anything) my machine and got the following error midway through the install process.

    "Java.IO.Filenotfoundexception: C:\Program Files\JDiveLog\bin\jdivelog.bat(Access is denied)"

    The weird thing is that if I run the installer again I can see this folder in JDiveLog's Installer 'select location file dialog' but I cannot see it in Windows Explorer. Very very strange.

    I think that the reason the IzPack and JDiveLog installers didn't work smoothly is a Vista or Vista 64bit issue. In any case I found the following workaround: Manually created the target directories for IzPack and JDiveLog before installing them. For example,

    * Create C:\IzPack and run the IzPack installer telling it to install to C:\IzPack
    * Create C:\JDiveLog and run the JDiveLog installer telling it to install to C:\JDiveLog

    I'm not sure if this is an issue with just my machine or a genuine bug that would other Vista or 64bit Vista users but I said I'd post this message here anyway, just in case it might be of help to someone.

    I still cannot get JDiveLog to build because of the "c:\Projects\Java\cvsprojs\JDiveLog\build.xml:28: taskdef class com.izforge.izpack.ant.IzPackTask cannot be found" error. Do I need to do something with IzPack (add it to a classpath or something?).


    • Pascal Pellmont

      Pascal Pellmont - 2007-04-14

      hi declan,

      thanks for posting the hints about vista 64. i couldn't test the installation an a vista machine, since i have no access to any computer with vista installed.

      about the problem with the ant build process:
      did you checkout also the project JDiveLog-Installer? it should be located at the same directory as the JDiveLog project. if it is not there, you have to modify build.xml and set the property izpack-dir to point to the correct location.
      there could also be another problem to build on windows: i guess you don't have latex installed, so you probably should comment out the line <latex ..../> in target "docs".

      hope this helps :-)

      kind regards,


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