
jDHTUQ / News: Recent posts

How modify the DHash layer to send folders

Hi people, some months ago we recieved a question about how modify the source code to support folders. Well, it is not required to modify any thing. The interface StorageNode has arguments related to Resource interface. The implementation that this application uses is FileResource, it manages any file to send using the applicacion. Thus, if the implementation FileResource is not enought to you (for me you should extend this class to add functions that you need such for instance you browse through folders), you can create other implementation of the interface Resource and no more, you do not need to modify the currently sources.

Posted by Daniel Andres  Pelaez Lopez 2013-12-12

New Tutorial Release 1.0.1

The tuturial initial version for jDHTUQ named "jDHTUQ for peer to peer DHT networking" is already in the project. It is finds in our folder jDHTUQ/jDHTUQ/1.0.1/

Posted by Daniel Andres  Pelaez Lopez 2010-06-28