
Need help for Linux distribution

  • Leon Nicholls

    Leon Nicholls - 2005-01-18

    I'm looking for somebody to create a Linux distribution of JavaHMO.

    Over the life of the project different developers and users have helped to create Linux distributions for the project. However, at this time nobody has signed for the next release.

    I hope to release JavaHMO 2.3 beta 1 soon, which will include support for ToGo.

    In the past we have had RPM and Debian distributions; I would prefer a distribution format that would work on most versions of Linux.

    There are several files checked into the project CVS source tree under the distro/unix directory that have
    been used in the past to create distributions.


    • Brian McEntire

      Brian McEntire - 2005-02-13

      Hi Leon -
        Thanks for your continued efforts on this awesome project! I love my Tivo and this Open Source project really extends it's value!

        Did you find someone to package JavaHMO for Linux? I'm running Debian. I can convert the RPM release to .deb for install on Debian systems. I could give either a try if you still need help.

        Let me know, and keep up the good work!


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