
Bugs and Feature Requests

  • Alexei Chmelev

    Alexei Chmelev - 2001-12-03

    Hello to all, that are interesting on the JavaCurses Library.

    The Library exists now already months and is been
    downloaded 182 times. So, I think there are peoples, that need such a thing for their purposes. But to use any software product this is
    required, to have it stable, and the stability isn't possible without testing and bugfixing,

    Thougth there are 182 peoples, that have downloaded JavaCurses, I have now no bug messages,
    ( and at all no feedback ) and one such feedback I cannot make this library stable.
    So I might to ask all, that would want to see an stable thing to help me an send me their feedback.

    Please use for that the 'Bugs' -Forum of the JavaCurses - Project at SourceForge.

    • Christian Rodrigo Oviedo Gabarda


      i'm beginning using the library on msdos. I've had no problems with the library, but i think the documentation is too small... I mean do you have a list with the main features of the classes,  more examples or something else? it would be very helpfull to me...

      Thanks a lot

      Christian Oviedo

      • g zombi

        g zombi - 2003-02-20

        Probably a mailing list should help ...

    • Jim Newsham

      Jim Newsham - 2003-06-18

      The project is lacking in documentation.  What is needed most is a simple list of  implemented functionality and an overall description of functionality.

      After that, a very simple home page with some screen shots of applications people have created, and a very simple example program would make this project much more attractive.


    • Gordon Storga

      Gordon Storga - 2003-08-25

      I agree with the above posters - It would be incredibly helpful to have examples.  I'm just starting to get into Java and would like to port my old Empire game written in C++ to Java.  Rather then spend hundreds hours learning and writing AWT code, or hundreds of dollars on a GUI IDE, it would be faster to use jcurses.  I'm having trouble installing it though and get a RuntimeException after compiling. 

      A step by step example of installation, along with simple sample code, would go a long way toward standardizing use of this wonderful library.


    • Michael Behrisch

      Did anyone ever think of implementing mouse support into jcurses. At least the linux
      ncurses supports the mouse (I don't know what Win does)

  • Cakra Komci

    Cakra Komci - 2010-07-17

    I have one problem. Here's the code I've been working with:

    import jcurses.system.CharColor;
    import jcurses.widgets.*;
    public class Main
        public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
            Window w = new Window(40, 20, true, "Hello World Window");
            DefaultLayoutManager mgr = new DefaultLayoutManager();
                new Label("Hello World!", new CharColor(CharColor.WHITE, CharColor.GREEN)),
                0, 0, 40, 20,
            w.close(); // reset the native console

    and when I run it under Linux Terminal in GNOME i get something like this:

    ┌──────────Hello World Window──────────┐
    │                                      │ 
    │                                      │ 
    │                                      │ 
    │                                      │ 
    │                                      │ 
    │                                      │ 
    │                                      │ 
    │                                      │ 
    │                                      │ 
    │              Hello World!            │ 
    │                                      │ 
    │                                      │ 
    │                                      │ 
    │                                      │ 
    │                                      │ 
    │                                      │ 
    │                                      │ 
    │                                      │ 

    which is OK. But when I go to fullscreen mode with Ctrl+Alt+F1 and then run
    the application, I get this:

    +----------Hello World Window----------+
    |                                      | 
    |                                      | 
    |                                      | 
    |                                      | 
    |                                      | 
    |                                      | 
    |                                      | 
    |                                      | 
    |                                      | 
    |              Hello World!            | 
    |                                      | 
    |                                      | 
    |                                      | 
    |                                      | 
    |                                      | 
    |                                      | 
    |                                      | 
    |                                      | 

    Question: Is there a way to print the box drawing characters in fullcreen mode?

    Note: When running pure ncurses application it DOES show box drawing chars in
    fullscreen mode.



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