
Jahshaka / News: Recent posts

Jahshaka Studio 0.7.3 release

The industry leading open source VR authoring toolkit, Jahshaka (, has released version 0.7.3 alpha for windows, OsX and Linux. This release is the final in the 0.7 branch and builds on the new foundation laid out in 0.6.0 for powerful dynamic assets and materials. It also introduces a physics engine, standalone player and integrated crypto-currency mining. ... read more

Posted by jahshaka 2018-09-10 Labels: 0.7.3

Jahshaka 0.6.0 Alpha Release

The industry leading VR authoring toolkit, Jahshaka (, has released version 0.6.0 alpha which includes a major overhaul of its asset and material frameworks. It sets a solid foundation for the way we store and share models moving ahead, and brings support for a wide variety of assets, materials and effects. It also comes with a cool new Jahshaka logo!

... read more

Posted by jahshaka 2018-05-09 Labels: reelase

Jahshaka V3 0.5.0 Alpha Released

The Jahshaka development team has been hard at work on the Jahshaka 0.5.0 Alpha Release and its now available for download. In addition to a major code cleanup, we have updated the player, editor and world manager with new features, added an asset module and launched JahFX ( so you can download free worlds and models.

Download Jahshaka

You can download Jahshaka for both Windows and OsX via the links below.... read more

Posted by jahshaka 2018-02-19 Labels: V3

Jahshaka 2.0 RC3 released

Jahshaka 2.0RC3 includes a vast array of features that should keep the visual effects hobbyist happy for quite some time! It comes with real-time 3d compositing & animation (and up to 32k matte layers), editing (in DV, SD, HD and even film), real time image processing with node based effects, opengl based paint and a text module. We also have individual modules for color correction, keying, tracking and boast a full array of media support from DivX up to 4k and more! ... read more

Posted by jahshaka 2006-05-17

Jahshaka 2.0 RC1 Released!

We are pleased to announce that Jahshaka 2.0RC1 has been announced 'stable' and the source is now available! We put a lot of hard work into rewriting jahshaka as a framework that can take us into the future and we look forward to your feedback!

Jahshaka 2.0 is a complete rewrite of the jahshaka core and so it took a lot longer that we thought it would to get to a stable version. But since its a rewrite, it comes with a lot of added power and functionality so we hope its worth the wait!... read more

Posted by jahshaka 2005-08-08

Jahshaka 1.9a9 released!

Visual Effects Artists,

We are pleased to announce the release of jahshaka 1.9a9. While its still in the alpha stages, its starting to mature nicely! Lots of new features, improved stability, and some cool real-time plugins should help to make your day.

Please remember that jahshaka is Open Source software, released under the GPL, and we rely on you to help drive its development!

You can check out:... read more

Posted by jahshaka 2004-11-30

Jahshaka 1.9a8 released!

After lots of hard work (and a short delay in development while we relocated) jahshaka 1.9a8 has been released.

The development of Jahshaka 1.9a8 focused on cleaning up the core code and development of the effects module. One of the main new features in this release of jahshaka is a new unified core. All the jahshaka modules now share one OpenGL world space and this has freed up a lot of resources. ... read more

Posted by jahshaka 2004-07-19

Jahshaka 1.9a7 Development Release

We are ramping up development and will now be following a release schedule modeled after the linux kernel. In the new schedule odd numbered versions designate new developmental releases and are available for windows and linux, and even numbered versions designate stable releases and will be available cross platform. On that note, we are pleased to announce our latest alpha release, 1.9a7. We re-wrote a lot of the core to allow for media-support so it is classed as a development release. You can download it here and please send us your feedback!. ... read more

Posted by jahshaka 2004-02-12

Jahshaka 1.9a5 Release

We are pleased to announce that the Jahshaka 1.9a5 alpha build has been released today.

Thanks to our migration to Trolltech's qmake system we are able to easily support Linux (32 & 64bit), Windows, OsX and Irix - with Solaris on the way.

We are also pleased to announce that we have reached a point where all the modules are functional, stability has been greatly improved, and we can start working on the beta build. ... read more

Posted by jahshaka 2003-10-30

Jahshaka 1.9 Release

The Jahshaka 1.9 Alpha 1 build has just been released and is available as both source code and binary on our download pages!

Please note that this is a alpha release and as such we have been focusing on core functionality and not Fuzz. The Alpha 2 build, expected out early next month, will focus on cleaning up the interface and user functionality, and will also roll out with full support for OsX, Irix and Solaris! ... read more

Posted by jahshaka 2003-06-04

Jahshaka gets Development Power from Trolltech!

Jahshaka was accepted as a member of the Special Program for Startups by Trolltech today and was issued a special grant consisting of Commercial licences for Linux, Windows and OsX development on Qt 3.0 and full technical support.

This worked out to be close to $10 grand, and will greatly accelerate taking Jahshaka out of beta and into the mainstream. We extend our thanks to all the fine people at Trolltech!

Posted by jahshaka 2003-01-16

Jahshaka gets Linuxfunded!

We are proud to say that we received a grant from for the ongoing development of Jahshaka. We would like to take the time to thank them, and to encourage them to assist other startup open-source developers. This shows the real power of open-source, and we would like express our commitment to upholding the open source business model.

Jah Shaka

Posted by jahshaka 2003-01-16

Jahshaka 3.0 Specs released

The Jahshaka Project has released the specs for the future v3.0 official release. These are the goals of the project over the coming year, and shows where we want to be when we come out of beta. Take a look on our website at and send us your feedback!

Posted by jahshaka 2002-02-21

Jahshaka 1.9 to use OpenML

We are pleased to announce that we will be using OpenML for all video processing and i/o in the upcoming 1.9 alpha release of Jahshaka. After months researching video libraries, combined with valuable feedback from our alpha-testers, we realized that it would be a nightmare to support multiple OS's any other way. OpenML's high level of integration with OpenGL allows us to now maintain our goals of realtime interactivity while supporting multiple platforms seamlessly. Check out the Khronos website for more details at

Posted by jahshaka 2002-02-12

Jahshaka 1.8 Released

The Jahshaka Development Curve

We have just released the Jahshaka, 1.8 alpha. This version includes a working, openGl accelerated effects module with real time color correction and stackable effects, a full blown 3D particle system, image and clip import and export to the desktop and user selectable interfaces! It also includes 3d object import from Obj files.

We are also working on incorporating a DDR module with video capture support and deck control, and a editing module for the 1.9 release similar to Final Cut Pro to make Jahshaka truely multi purpose.... read more

Posted by jahshaka 2001-11-20

Windows Version of Jahshaka

The Jahshaka team is pleased to announce windows support with its 1.7.2 alpha codebase.

Instead of working on new features, we were busy cleaning up all the code and debugging, and since most of us do our office work on windows, we decided to port the application.

Thanks to the versatility of cross platform toolkits such as OpenGL and QT we were able to do this in under 2 weeks!

Since this is the first windows rev, expect bugs! and report them to us at... read more

Posted by jahshaka 2001-10-04

Jahshaka 1.7 hits the web

The Jahshaka Project has released its alpha version 1.7. This release contains lots of new features, including on screen selection and control of objects.

The 1.7 release is the first to start moving the project into the beta phase, as the animation module has been totally rewritten, is fully user configurable, and supports multiple layers that can be added on-demand.

Please give us your support and assistance as the induistries first real-time opensource compositing and effects application starts to mature! We need your feedback, and testing!!!... read more

Posted by jahshaka 2001-09-19

Jahshaka 1.6 launched!

The long-awaited 1.6 alpha rev of Jahshaka has been released, and the team has added many new, cool features as well as started to rework much of the code to fit in with the new object-oriented design.

New things such as video layers (with key!), 10x faster rendering (on linux), improvements to the text module and the composite module, selectable render start points, and proper video integration on the desktop have been incorporated.... read more

Posted by jahshaka 2001-08-08

Jahshaka Website Uploaded!

The Jahshaka project has uploaded their website, which is proboably one of the coolest websites around, especially for a open source project!

Come and check it out and get involved at

Posted by jahshaka 2001-07-13

Jahshaka nears Beta phase

The v1.5 rev of Jahshaka shows how fast development has been moving since the core infrastructure has been nailed down. Lots of cool new features, the main one being fully keyframable animation in the Animation module, everything can now be animated and plays back at 30fps!

While we are still working with limited layers, we also have set the module up with a list that we can add and delete layers from! Next rev will allow unlimited objects (and particles)... read more

Posted by jahshaka 2001-07-06

Jahshaka Rules

Jahshaka, the industries first linux based hardware accelerated comopsiting application has moved up to v1.2. This alpha release marks the first major reworking of the appliation from the ground up, as it moves to a fully object oriented model.

V1.2 has a fully functional core set of libraries and development is expected to accelerate at a rapid rate from this moment on. The source code has also been organized accoring to modules and each module now includes its own independent interface code.... read more

Posted by jahshaka 2001-06-27

Jahshaka moving into high speed

Jahshaka, the industrys first open source, linux based, hardware accelerated compositing and effects software is moving into high speed with release 1.1.1 This release marks the completion of its core features and libraries and the move towards keyframe animation and video integration!

Posted by jahshaka 2001-05-28

OpenGL Compositing on linux

Jahshaka, the first industrial strength opengl compositor for linux is moving into high gear, with the alpha releases of its paint, effects and image processing modules it is starting to look more like the high end applications it is geared towards replacing.

Jahshakas unique architecture will allow it to run over networks, even over the internet if there is enoguh bandwidth available to do so, alowwing true workgroup project implementations in a client server environment.

Posted by jahshaka 2001-05-02

Open Source Effects System

Jahshaka, the first open source system with the promise to compete with Discreet, Avid and Quantel has moved out of planning and into the pre-alpha stage.

Jahshaka is a OpenGL based video and film compositing, editing, special fx, image processing, paint and CG application that renders totally in hardware, giving users the speed and power previously attainable only on hundred thousand dollar systems.... read more

Posted by jahshaka 2001-04-01