
ARINC 661 => provider direction

Mic Moy
  • Mic Moy

    Mic Moy - 2017-12-01

    Back in September of 2011 Hervé Girod stated "For the moment, only the Flightgear => ARINC 661 (Server inputs) are supported in the Flightgear provider. However, the provider architecture already support the ARINC 661 => provider direction, so adding the capability to send commands to Flightgear depending on ARINC 661 interative events should be a no-brainer."

    I would very much like to be able to send commands to Flightgear. Has anyone got this to work? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    best regards,


    Last edit: Mic Moy 2017-12-01
  • Hervé Girod

    Hervé Girod - 2017-12-02


    I have to release a new version on a new LGPL licence soon. I will try to update the example (and the wiki) at the same time.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2017-12-02
    Post awaiting moderation.
  • Mic Moy

    Mic Moy - 2017-12-10

    Hello Herve, is there a chance you've gotten around to updating the FGProvider wiki? This is a great project! Seems strange there is almost no open/active discusions on the FG J661 interface.



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