
#80 addition expression width problem


I compiled 0.8 from the CVS repository using the following commands:

cvs -d login
cvs -d get -r v0_8-
branch verilog
cd verilog
make install

then I ran the attached test case using:

iverilog add_test.v
vvp a.out

and it failed.

This test works with other Verilog compilers. Moreover, the code
illustrated synthesizes as expected with several synthesis tools and the
code generated by those synthesis tools simulates as expected with
other Verilog compilers.

I also compiled the latest code from the HEAD of the CVS repository
too. This test likewise failed.



  • Nobody/Anonymous

    test to illustrate adding problem

  • Stephen Williams

    Logged In: YES

    It looks in the first glance like "ptr + size" is overflowing
    in your example. I'll look at this first in the devel branch
    so I've set the group to devel.

    Note to self: I think this should be fixed in 0.8 as well,
    so don't close it until it is fixed there as well.

  • Stephen Williams

    • milestone: --> 530321
  • Stephen Williams

    Attachments from 1572756

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    In the tarball, add_test.tar.gz is a test called add_test.v (not to be confused
    with the other test called add_test.v) that includes the following statement:

    answer = (a + b + 0) >> 1;

    which is incorrectly processed.

    The problem is that the unsized constant 0 is being treated as a 16 bit
    number instead of the 32 bit number that it should be. I have observed this

    iverilog -tstub add_test.v

    The IEEE Verilog standard states:

    "The number of bits that make up an unsized number (which is a simple
    decimal number or a number without the size specification) shall be at least

    When this statement is written as:

    answer = (a + b + 32'd0) >> 1;

    the test works as expected. Therefore, I expect the fix is pretty easy.


  • Stephen Williams

    Logged In: YES

    pr1570635.v and pr1570635b.v have been extracted from the attached examples
    and added to the ivtest regression test suite.

  • Stephen Williams

    • milestone: 530321 --> v0.8
    • summary: adding problem --> addition expression width problem
  • Stephen Williams

    Patch for devel snapshot 20061009

  • Stephen Williams

    Logged In: YES

    the attached patch applies to the snapshot 20061009 and fixes both the expression width
    cases attached. It is also available in the devel trunk of the CVS repository. This closes the
    PR for the devel trunk.

    I've changed the group to v0.8 to remind me to look into a fix for this in the v0.8 branch
    as well.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO


  • Stephen Williams

    • priority: 5 --> 4
  • Cary R.

    Cary R. - 2009-03-23
    • status: open --> closed-out-of-date
  • Cary R.

    Cary R. - 2009-03-23

    We have released a new stable version of Icarus Verilog (V0.9) that for normal usage replaces the version this report was filed against (V0.8). The reported bug does not exist in the V0.9 release and V0.8 will no longer be supported. We are closing this report and suggest that you upgrade to V0.9 as soon as possible.


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