
Deploying extensions

  • Jordy Santoyo

    Jordy Santoyo - 2023-02-13

    hello im triyin to install an extension but it gives me errors:

    Error detected during deployment!
    iTop configuration has NOT been modified.

    Warning: rmdir(/var/www/html/web//env-production-build): Permission denied in /var/www/html/web/setup/ on line 792

    Warning: rmdir(/var/www/html/web/env-production-build): Permission denied in /var/www/html/web/setup/ on line 792


    Last edit: Jordy Santoyo 2023-02-13
  • Jeffrey Bostoen

    Jeffrey Bostoen - 2023-02-13

    Clearly a permission issue on your web server you'll need to address.

  • Jordy Santoyo

    Jordy Santoyo - 2023-02-13

    but I have the permissions that are supposed to be required

    • Pierre Goiffon

      Pierre Goiffon - 2023-03-16


      Permissions reference :

      You set permissions on the root user, whereas usually it is set to the web server user (www-data for example) ?
      Also note iTop root directory must have the write permission (env-* directories creation)

  • Jordy Santoyo

    Jordy Santoyo - 2023-02-23

    hi, any suggestions for this... i still cant figure it out

  • Oscar Barraza Aravena

    Try this with root privieges:
    chmod 777 /var/www/html/itop/* -R

    replace itop by your itop directory


    Last edit: Oscar Barraza Aravena 2023-03-02
  • Pierre Goiffon

    Pierre Goiffon - 2023-03-16

    If you have trouble installing iTop, you should try our Saas service :


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