
Tickets export documents not came with this.

  • Rohit Kushwaha

    Rohit Kushwaha - 2023-03-16


    I am trying to export my tickets but also want to export the documents which are present in the those tickets but there are no option or checklist present for any selection.
    can anyone tell me how can i export the tickets with the documents which are already present in the tickets.

    Thanks in advance and appreciate for your reply
    Rohit Kushwaha

  • Jeffrey Bostoen

    Jeffrey Bostoen - 2023-03-16

    Documents as attachments? They're a separate class (Attachment).

    What is the objective?

  • Rohit Kushwaha

    Rohit Kushwaha - 2023-03-16

    Hi Jeffrey,

    suppose i hve some tickets in which documents are also uploaded and when i am going to export the tickets, at that time of checklist process, there is no option related to attachment which i can choose and select.
    Basically i want to export all the documents uploaded inside the tickets along with the tickets.


  • Jeffrey Bostoen

    Jeffrey Bostoen - 2023-03-17

    Either download them manually, or do some automation using the JSON REST API to get them.


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