
Person notification flag

  • MV

    MV - 2017-01-19


    I need to figure out how the Person's notification flag works, when I set it to no, email I still receive email notifications?

    Could you help me and explain it?

    Thank you.


  • Reshad Al Rabeh

    Reshad Al Rabeh - 2017-03-17

    I would also like to know the intended function of this field.

    In the meanwhile, we have taken advantage of it by integrating it into our OQL queries for notifications (example below).

    SELECT Contact
    WHERE id = :this->agent_id AND id != :current_contact_id AND notify = 'yes'
  • Jeffrey Bostoen

    Jeffrey Bostoen - 2017-03-17

    I'm assuming it's to use it the way Reshad described, but I've also wondered. It would make sense though.

  • michal.bruncko

    michal.bruncko - 2017-03-22

    yes, I am sharing same opinion than Reshad provided. notification flag is here as optional placeholder attribute to have a possibility to exclude some users from receiving notification. I am using it same way as in Reshads example.


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