
Add new state/Transitions in Incident Form

  • Rohit Kushwaha

    Rohit Kushwaha - 2023-06-27

    Hi Team,

    I want to add a new state/transition to the event form page on my itop and for which this "" documentation of itop I am following
    With itop extension, I will get help like code documentation, I am following all steps and want to update code from toolkit, but code also have problem or not showing error. After code implementation I am not seeing any change in the form so what should I do now.

    waiting for your reply.


  • Jeffrey Bostoen

    Jeffrey Bostoen - 2023-06-27

    Perhaps share your work, so someone can take a look?

  • Rohit Kushwaha

    Rohit Kushwaha - 2023-06-28

    I have written this code in user request form "datamodel.itop-mgmt -itil" page, inside field id=status.

    <field id="status" _delta="must_exist">
    <value id="pending_provider" _delta="define"">

    and in the stimuls tags i have add the follwoing code ,
    <stimulus id="ev_pending_provider" xsi:type="StimulusUserAction" _delta="define"> of the <stimulus> tag
    then i have add the below code in the dictonary side.
    wrote this code
    This code is written in end in distnorary
    'Class:UserRequest/Attribute:status/Value:pending_provider' => 'Pending Provider',</stimulus></stimulus>

    After this I updated the code with the help of toolkit and the code updated successfully without any error but when I am viewing on the page no changes are showing.

    But according to the document, after making these changes, the result should come according to the attached image but it is not coming.

    now what changes i have to do for this ?
    waiting for the reply.

  • Pierre Goiffon

    Pierre Goiffon - 2023-08-03

    To add a new extension you have to run the setup.
    The toolkit can be ran after that to update the datamodel.


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