Uzume - 2017-04-24

As another alternative option instead of adding to the web API would be to add machine annotations to our normal web pages. There are several to choose from including microformats, microdata, COinS, and RDFa. I personally like RDFa Lite, however arguments could be made for others.

The issues with the web API are that it does not track with the main interfaces and is limited. If we implemented RDFa Lite, we could annotate/instrument our HTML and bots could be programmed to scrape this data. It would be useful even to indexing web crawlers like Google.

I personally would like to see the web API go away. Fixer and friends can use a different interface/method to submit to a submission suggestion queue where editors could select items and prepopulate normal editor functions and make the submissions that way. This will free the developers of such bots (you won't have to make all of Fixer's submissions) and allow for a divide and conquer methodlogy.

Short of the bot angle (of which there is currently really only one active) which can use a new suggestion queue, I really see the usefulness of the submission part of the API as mostly useful for potentially developing alternative user interfaces for editing, however the way it is implemented and secured makes this not possible.