
Just installed version .29 for Leopard

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    ...and it works great so far.  My settings have been preserved where I was losing them at reboot before.  I also have more consistent scrolling from what I can tell.

    Just want to offer my heartfelt thanks for continuing to support this project.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Me again (same poster as above).  Looks like I spoke too soon.  Upon reboot, the program boots up as being active, but this time my settings were not saved.  I'm not sure what changed from my first post to my second, but I cannot get my settings to be preserved upon reboot.  I am also still experiencing some issues after waking up from sleep mode.

      Either way, I am still incredibly grateful for the program.  Having to tweak some settings at startup is a small price to pay for an application that I can't live without.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Yeah I also lose my settings upon a reboot, but the scrolling is smoother and much like the real thing.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      My settings are lost if I log out and log back in (not even reboot).

    • Nicholas Naime

      Nicholas Naime - 2007-11-13

      This issue has been isolated and a fix is available here:



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