
InfraRED / News: Recent posts

InfraRED 2.3.ALPHA release

This release adds support for AspectJ-1.5.0 and takes advantage of its new load-time weaving capabilites. It also adds support for persisting performance to Oracle database, and includes many bugfixes and minor enhancements.

Posted by Binil Thomas 2006-02-25

InfraRED 2.2.ALPHA.1 released

We are happy to release version 2.2.ALPHA.1 of InfraRED. Main features of this release are:

* Presistence of collected data in a database; an in-process HSQLDB will be used for persistence by default.
* Ability to track arbitarary context (beyong method calls and sql executions). An API is provided to write newer contexts and aspects.
* Ability to load data from database and view it in the GUI
* Easier installation
* Ability to track JSP and Hibernate query execution times
* Support for hierarchical and absolute layers
* Modified the ant task considerably
* Uses AspectWerkz more. The recommended aspect system now is AspectWerkz with load-time weaving.
* No need to setup P6Spy pool connection now... read more

Posted by Binil Thomas 2005-12-21

2.1-beta Released

InfraRED 1.2-beta has been released. The following new features have been added

* Added JMX support for infrared properties. A new MBean named Infrared Properties has been created
to expose infrared properties.
* Changed the layer display to show the order in which the layers are invoked.
* Changed HTTPResponse page by showing time taken for each URL similar to the api summary page.
* The PerformanceSummary page also displays the top 10 requests by Adjusted Avg Time... read more

Posted by Kamal Govindraj 2005-09-20