
I'm trying to configure infraRED with EAR application which is deployed into Websphere 6.1.

I've followed most of the step(integration with Sun One App server) I have quite successfull with the installation and configuration.

But I was not able to see any metrics in InfraRED GUI

Here is the debug log

[6/26/09 12:56:25:386 UTC] 00000030 SystemOut     O [InfraRED] -- Creating MonitorFacadeImpl for application Mortgages, instance ECHNWITSP60022
[6/26/09 12:56:25:386 UTC] 00000030 SystemOut     O [InfraRED] -- Collection stategy for application Mortgages, instance ECHNWITSP60022 is net.sf.infrared.agent.transport.impl.CentralizedCollectionStrategy
[6/26/09 12:56:25:386 UTC] 00000030 SystemOut     O [InfraRED] -- SocketWriter - Connected to localhost/ on port 7777
[6/26/09 12:56:25:386 UTC] 00000030 SystemOut     O [InfraRED] -- Using BufferedAggregator (not pooled) for CentralCollectionStrategy
[6/26/09 12:56:25:386 UTC] 00000030 SystemOut     O [InfraRED] -- Flush frequency set to 30000 ms
[6/26/09 12:56:25:386 UTC] 00000030 SystemOut     O [InfraRED] -- Initialized CentralCollectionStrategy remote host = localhost remote port = 7777
[6/26/09 12:56:25:386 UTC] 00000030 SystemOut     O [InfraRED] -- Created MonitorFacadeImpl for application Mortgages, instance ECHNWITSP60022 with configuration MonitorConfig[file:/C:/Program Files/IBM/SDP70/runtimes/base_v61/lib/infrared-agent.properties]
[6/26/09 12:56:25:386 UTC] 00000030 SystemOut     O [InfraRED] Created MonitorFacade for Mortgages, instance ECHNWITSP60022, with config MonitorConfig[file:/C:/Program Files/IBM/SDP70/runtimes/base_v61/lib/infrared-agent.properties]
[6/26/09 12:56:25:386 UTC] 00000030 SystemOut     O [InfraRED] -- Registered net.sf.infrared.agent.MultipleEntryGuard@4e824e82
[6/26/09 12:56:25:386 UTC] 00000030 SystemOut     O [InfraRED] -- Initializing application : Mortgages InstanceId : ECHNWITSP60022
[6/26/09 12:56:25:386 UTC] 00000030 SystemOut     O [InfraRED] -- No MBean Server Class set for application Mortgages, instance ECHNWITSP60022
[6/26/09 12:56:25:386 UTC] 00000035 SystemOut     O [InfraRED] -- No stats to send to collector; ignoring flush

has anyone configured infraRED with Websphere Applicatation server.