
#1679 Privoxy Not Blocking “bug.gif”

pixel (1) gif (1)

Dear Support,
I'm trying to block the following path:

In order to do this, I have put the following rule in one of my action file:\.gif

Equally, the generic version I'd prefer to use does not work either:

Could you please advise me on how to block successfully this annoying GIF pixel bug?

Thanks for your support,



  • Korda

    Korda - 2015-03-10

    It seems that the file extension is the problem. If, for example, the target filename extension is renamed to htm, the problem no longer arises; the rule /(.*/)?bug\.html? would work. So, how can one force Privoxy to reject the gif extension as well?

  • Korda

    Korda - 2015-03-11

    Dear Fabian, thanks for your help. Here's the related log:
    2015-03-11 13:25:37.226 000000d0 Crunch: Blocked: - - [11/Mar/2015:13:25:37 +0000] "GET HTTP/1.1" 403 43 2015-03-11 13:25:37.514 000000d0 Redirect: Checking "/favicon.ico" for unencoded redirects. 2015-03-11 13:25:37.514 000000d0 Request:

    In fact, the picture “bug.gif” (about 100-pixel wide) becomes a one-pixel box when blocked. I don't know whether Privoxy did its job and this is the way how it proceeds or not when encountering such image.

    Thank you again for sharing a fraction of your valuable time in answering me. Good day!

    I could no longer browse the Web without Privoxy. Thanks to its filtering and my tweaks through several filter and action files, 5000+ request attempts are blocked every day. When removing duplicates, there are about 100-150 unique URLs sharing those requests.

    • Fabian Keil

      Fabian Keil - 2015-03-13

      Thanks for the kind words and the log excerpt.

      The log suggests that Privoxy is working as expected.

      In case of image requests that were recognised as such the
      default configuration lets Privoxy deliver a replacement
      image (because most browsers do not accept a HTML response
      for requested images).

      This can be controlled with:

      You could also write a filter to let Privoxy remove the image
      tag so the client does not request the image in the first place.

  • Korda

    Korda - 2015-03-15

    Dear Fabian,

    thanks for your help and your suggestion. Deeply appreciated. I will happily follow your suggestion. I guess the case can be closed down. Good week!

  • Fabian Keil

    Fabian Keil - 2016-01-27
    • labels: pixel, bug, gif --> pixel, gif
    • status: open --> closed
    • assigned_to: Fabian Keil

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