
#1648 Privoxy with squid and dansguardian


I installed privoxy on my raspberry (with raspbian as distro). I'm using raspberry as gateway and lan server.
I need to know how to configure it because I have squid and dansguardian configured in this way:
Iptables redirects every http request (port 80) to port 8080 where dansguardian is listening and dansguardian dialogs with squid with the directives:

proxyip =
proxyport = 3128

Everything runs. Dansguardian blocks sites, extensions file downloading, etc and squid is caching.

Could you tell me how to configure privoxy in order to ensure that squid and dansguardian continue to do their job? I mean, where do i have to place it? Before dansguardian or between dansguardian and squid?

Thank you


  • ultreja

    ultreja - 2014-06-04

    finally i found in privoxy user manual this:

    If you intend to chain Privoxy and squid locally, then chaining as browser -> squid -> privoxy is the recommended way.
    Assuming that Privoxy and squid run on the same box, your squid configuration could then look like this:
    # Define Privoxy as parent proxy (without ICP)
    cache_peer parent 8118 7 no-query
    # Define ACL for protocol FTP
    acl ftp proto FTP
    # Do not forward FTP requests to Privoxy
    always_direct allow ftp
    # Forward all the rest to Privoxy
    never_direct allow all

    Using these settings in squid.conf any advertisement is blocked.
    it has been easier than expected!

    Hope this could be helpful.

    How must be done to close the ticket?


    Last edit: ultreja 2014-06-04
  • Fabian Keil

    Fabian Keil - 2014-06-07

    Thanks for confirming that the Squid configuration excerpt from the documentation still works.

    SF recently broke the ticket system and closing tickets doesn't work for me either. Don't worry about it.

  • Fabian Keil

    Fabian Keil - 2016-03-25
    • status: open --> closed
    • assigned_to: Fabian Keil

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