
#1633 HTTPS


I know that Privoxy cannot filter HTTPS page content, but can I make a filter that redirects certain HTTPS pages to HTTP? Youtube for example, when logged in, it infuriatingly FORCES you to use HTTPS, which means I can not use my Privoxy filters. How can I tell Privoxy to use HTTP instead, so my filters can do their work?


  • Cattleya

    Cattleya - 2014-06-05

    Hope Fabian will add HTTPS filter support in the next version, without HTTPS filter ability what we can do is really limited.

    I think there is no way you can use filter with Youtube anymore, Google force Youtube to HTTPS anyway even embed video, no way to use HTTP...

  • Garzhad

    Garzhad - 2014-06-05

    OH, so is this why practically none of my privoxy filters work with HTTPS-Everywhere enabled? Had been practically tearing my hair out wondering why the gif de-animation function wasn't working until I turned that off(after noticing removing the 's' from the https:// frozen the gif), and lo and behold, they worked.
    So yeah, HTTPS filter support would be Extremely nice... otherwise Privoxy is practically useless if you want HTTPS everywhere, and HTTPS everywhere is useless if you want to use privoxy.
    As a side note, even with https disabled, sites with weird naming configs don't get caught no matter what either. Like the that tumblr uses to flood you with it's stupid gifs, as well as the dashboard, since all dashboard gifs are loaded via https, same with many other sites like wihch won't deanimate gifs no matter what i do, which drastically limits the usefulness of +deanimate-gifs{first}


    Last edit: Garzhad 2014-06-05
  • Fabian Keil

    Fabian Keil - 2014-06-06

    As mentioned already, Privoxy currently can't filter encrypted content.

    Privoxy still sees the destination host and thus you can redirect the request to use http:// instead, but if the path isn't "/", it will be lost.

    Additionally most modern browsers ignore unencrypted redirects when an encrypted response has been requested anyway.

  • Don

    Don - 2014-06-24


    How did you redirect https to http ?
    I added that to my user.action, but no effect:


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