
#139 how to pick receive-buffer-size value


We have a shiny new receive-buffer-size config option that sets the size of the buffer Privoxy uses to receive data from the operating system.

But how to decide what size to use? Maybe by keeping track of how much data was read at a time.

note well - this is supposed to be a conversation starter, not a final patch set.
has a new section for the stats - eg:

TCP read buffer size statistics:

         Range        count    cum %  run length
      0-    999:       1497     0.34         218
  1,000-  1,999:     123384    28.65       22215
  2,000-  2,999:     127019    57.78       26377
  3,000-  3,999:         54    57.80           0
  4,000-  4,999:      87966    77.97       12485
  5,000-  5,999:      43747    88.01         209
  6,000-  6,999:         52    88.02           0
  7,000-  7,999:      42051    97.67          12
  8,000-  8,999:       9573    99.86           8
  9,000-  9,999:          1    99.86           0
 10,000- 19,999:         61    99.88           0
 20,000- 29,999:         12    99.88           0
 30,000- 39,999:         24    99.89           0
 40,000- 49,999:         24    99.89           0
 50,000- 59,999:         12    99.89           0
 60,000- 69,999:         25    99.90           0
 70,000- 79,999:         17    99.90           0
 80,000- 89,999:         17    99.91           0
 90,000- 99,999:          3    99.91           0
                   93440:        403   100.00         251

count is how many times <Range> bytes were read
cum % is the cumulative percentage - in the above example, over 99% of the reads returned less than 10,000 bytes.
run length is how many consecutive times the same number of bytes were read; in this case, there were 251 consecutive calls to read_socket that returned 93,440 bytes.

Maybe I should set receive-buffer-size larger.


1 Attachments


Patches: #139


  • Fabian Keil

    Fabian Keil - 2017-08-16

    This seems overly complicated to me.
    How many users do you expect to interpret these statistics correctly?

    As previously mentioned on the mailing list I think the buffer
    size should eventually be auto-tuned within specified limits.

    In the meantime we could simply use a value that is expected to
    work reasonably well.

    curl's buffer size was recently changed to 100k and we could
    use the same value until somebody comes up with data that
    shows that another value is superior.

    For most Privoxy setups 100k is probably more than necessary
    to get the highest throughput, but it seems unlikely to cause any

    • Lee

      Lee - 2017-08-17

      On 8/16/17, Fabian Keil wrote:

      This seems overly complicated to me.
      How many users do you expect to interpret these statistics correctly?

      Possibly none - which includes me :)

      Correctly interpreting the stats requires knowledge of what came in
      'over the wire' which means clearing the stats, starting
      tcpdump/wireshark/whatever and then doing the download/browsing/etc.,
      looking at the stats, looking at the packet capture ... which gets old
      real fast, but is the only way I know of to tell the difference
      between privoxy not being able to keep up & having selective acks
      enabled, a lossy connection & a single packet that fills in a hole all
      of a sudden creating 100KB (or more!) of data for the o/s to hand off
      to privoxy.

      What does seem generally useful is the run length stat for the max
      buffer size. If privoxy reads the max buffersize bytes for more than
      [50? 100? pick a suitably large number] times in a row that seems to
      be a pretty good indication the receive-buffer-size should be

      Reporting a single number (# consecutive max buffersize reads) might
      be the better thing to show users instead of the whole table, but the
      table is kind of interesting so I left it in :)

      As previously mentioned on the mailing list I think the buffer
      size should eventually be auto-tuned within specified limits.

      I finally was able to put my finger on why I didn't like the analogy
      to add_to_iob.
      By definition, the buffer scaling in add_to_iob will never create a
      uselessly large buffer.
      The user says 'I want to filter up to X number of bytes' and privoxy
      will dutifully filter up to X number of bytes. So increasing the iob
      buffer near the end of a page isn't a waste of time, but increasing
      the read buffer near the end of a download might very well be.

      In the meantime we could simply use a value that is expected to
      work reasonably well.

      curl's buffer size was recently changed to 100k and we could
      use the same value until somebody comes up with data that
      shows that another value is superior.

      For most Privoxy setups 100k is probably more than necessary
      to get the highest throughput, but it seems unlikely to cause any

      Every so often I wish we could talk face to face. Telling users to
      use an unencrypted channel to download code or programs is something I
      think should be fixed. But this.. this was just a fun project for me.
      I learned a few things, had a good time playing coder & ended up with
      something I thought might be useful to others. If anything like this
      patch goes into privoxy - fine. If it doesn't - also fine ... or
      maybe even better. I wasn't looking forward to writing the
      documentation for TCP read buffer size statistics :)


      [patches:#139] how to pick receive-buffer-size value

      Status: open
      Created: Sat Aug 12, 2017 11:23 PM UTC by Lee
      Last Updated: Sat Aug 12, 2017 11:23 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      (9.5 kB; application/octet-stream)

      We have a shiny new receive-buffer-size config option that sets the size of
      the buffer Privoxy uses to receive data from the operating system.

      But how to decide what size to use? Maybe by keeping track of how much data
      was read at a time.

      note well - this is supposed to be a conversation starter, not a final patch
      has a new section for the stats - eg:

      TCP read buffer size statistics:

           Range        count    cum %  run length
        0-    999:       1497     0.34         218

      1,000- 1,999: 123384 28.65 22215
      2,000- 2,999: 127019 57.78 26377
      3,000- 3,999: 54 57.80 0
      4,000- 4,999: 87966 77.97 12485
      5,000- 5,999: 43747 88.01 209
      6,000- 6,999: 52 88.02 0
      7,000- 7,999: 42051 97.67 12
      8,000- 8,999: 9573 99.86 8
      9,000- 9,999: 1 99.86 0
      10,000- 19,999: 61 99.88 0
      20,000- 29,999: 12 99.88 0
      30,000- 39,999: 24 99.89 0
      40,000- 49,999: 24 99.89 0
      50,000- 59,999: 12 99.89 0
      60,000- 69,999: 25 99.90 0
      70,000- 79,999: 17 99.90 0
      80,000- 89,999: 17 99.91 0
      90,000- 99,999: 3 99.91 0
      93440: 403 100.00 251

      count is how many times <Range> bytes were read
      cum % is the cumulative percentage - in the above example, over 99% of the
      reads returned less than 10,000 bytes.
      run length is how many consecutive times the same number of bytes were read;
      in this case, there were 251 consecutive calls to read_socket that returned
      93,440 bytes.

      Maybe I should set receive-buffer-size larger.


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      Patches: #139

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