
#54 config redirect must expire at once


I'm running RH8 and Privoxy 3.0.0-2 which is included
with RH. I set it up to be chained from squid
(transparent setup). Both are up and running. is accessible and I can see the
current supression ratio. However, I am unable to get
the status detection working. If I select any of the view
or edit options on the show-status page I get the well-
known response. The same goes for the bookmarklets,
action look-ups and so on. Basicly, when processing is
required, fails.

I read a couple of questions in this forum regarding the
problem and the solutions suggested. My configuration
is set as recommended. Squid is between the browser
and Privoxy; Privoxy is set as a parent proxy to Squid. I
tried to reset the squid cache and the local IE cache but
it had no effect on status detection.

I then tried to bypass Squid, first by disabling any local
redirections (transparency) and setting my IE client to
use gate:8118 as the proxy server. It works and in
addition there are no problems with status detection.

As far as I was able to see, the only difference to the
Privoxy configuration is the listen-address, which has to
be set to the local IP ( when chaining from

Maybe if someone shed some light on what Privoxy's
embedded http scripts are actually doing to detect its
state it would be easier to solve this issue. I know it's all
in the source files but I would prefer to avoid having to
reverse-engineer the whole package in order to find out.


  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Additional info: I didn't notice these entries before:

    [root@gate00 privoxy]# tail -1000 logfile |grep -a
    Mar 04 16:27:35 Privoxy(19374082) Request: cgi call
    Mar 04 16:27:35 Privoxy(19374082) Request: crunch!
    Mar 04 16:27:35 Privoxy(19382274) Request: cgi call
    Mar 04 16:27:35 Privoxy(19382274) Request: crunch!
    Mar 04 16:27:37 Privoxy(19390466) Request: cgi call
    Mar 04 16:27:37 Privoxy(19390466) Request: crunch!
    Mar 04 16:27:37 Privoxy(19398658) Request: cgi call
    Mar 04 16:27:37 Privoxy(19398658) Request: crunch!

    Looks like Privoxy is filtering its own output! Or what?
    Adding "" to the "unblocked" list doesn't do
    anything. Any ideas?

  • Andreas Oesterhelt

    Logged In: YES

    The "Privoxy is not working" page (which I have just
    extended to include a more detailed explanation) is
    probably still cached somewhere in your proxy chain
    (i.e. in IE or squid).

    Since you say that is accessible, (and
    I assume you mean the "This is Privoxy 3.0.0..." UI home page
    here) but that page comes with headers that prevent caching,
    the alternative looks implausible.

    To find out more, please shift-reload now. Do you see the
    updated error page? Go to http://hwqeztjhgsdjsg.shdkjsh/
    What do you see?

    > Maybe if someone shed some light on what Privoxy's
    > embedded http scripts are actually doing to detect its
    > state it would be easier to solve this issue.

    Actually, nothing. The "not working" (now more precisely:
    "not being used") page is not generated by Privoxy. It is
    a completely regular web page that is served from a machine

    During normal operation, i.e. when the browser sends all
    requests through Privoxy, Privoxy intercepts requests for and serves its web-based user intreface
    instead. When Privoxy is, for whatever reason, bypassed,
    you see the original, actual web page.

  • Andreas Oesterhelt

    • assigned_to: nobody --> oes
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    According to FAQ the "crunches" are
    normal operation. Never mind. The problem remains.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I now see the "not being used" page. I was aware that this
    page is not generated by the proxy. The
    http://hwqeztjhgsdjsg.shdkjsh/ URL has problems with DNS
    resolution :-)

    I was not aware that it shows up because the proxy is
    apparently ignoring the url for some reason, which is
    somethin completely different from the situation where the
    redirection occurs inside the proxy. The host you are talking
    about is, right?

    So, actually, if I look at the logfile, the problem lies with the "crunches" that are -not- there. What could
    be the reason for our special URL to pass "unnoticed" while
    everything else is working just fine? I'm under the impression
    that it is ignoring all URL's that have parameters (?file=...etc.)
    BTW, http:\\p.p\ doesn't work either, with the
    standard "Cannot find server or DNS Error"!

    Just a thought: even in situations where the lost pages are
    mis-cached it is quite impossible to reload them because the
    browser gets redirected immediately... This might however be

    I tried adding debug log settings (2, 2048) but found nothing
    interesting. You can probably have better suggestions about
    what I should look for.

    Thanks for your help!

  • Andreas Oesterhelt

    Logged In: YES

    > The http://hwqeztjhgsdjsg.shdkjsh/ URL has problems
    > with DNS resolution :-)

    So much I guessed, but the point of the exercise was to
    determine, by the exact source and text of the resulting error
    message, where in your proxy chain the problem lies:

    - Local IE error dialogue: IE doesn't use Squid->Privoxy
    chain for the request. Check browser settings.

    - Squid-generated error page: Squid doesn't forward
    request to Privoxy; check Squid.conf, compare example
    in Privoxy user manual, Chapter 7.5.3

    - Privoxy-generated error page: Proxy chain OK, Caching
    is the problem.

    > I was not aware that it shows up because the proxy is
    > apparently ignoring the url for some reason,

    It doesn't. It can't. It just doesn't get asked in the first

    > the problem lies with the
    > "crunches" that are -not- there


    > Just a thought: even in situations where the lost pages are
    > mis-cached it is quite impossible to reload them because the
    > browser gets redirected immediately... This might however be
    > irrelevant.

    It is quite likely the reason why shift-reload doesn't help. The
    only way for you to fix a caching problem (if the above test
    indicates it is in fact a caching problem) is to manually clear
    the browser's disk and memory cache, and, if that fails, a lso
    the one of the intremediate proxy.

    Note to devel list: Root cause of caching problem is
    of "not being used" page. Is there any way to set the
    expiry for a
    document served on's hosting service?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    The answer that I suspect will be appreciated by many future
    squid/privoxy users is here:

    There is a default Squid directive that makes all queries
    bypass the cache and fetch the response directly from the

    acl QUERY urlpath_regex cgi-bin \?
    no_cache deny QUERY

    Leave these directives alone. What everybody needs to do is
    the following:

    acl Privoxy dstdomain
    never_direct allow Privoxy

    and then:

    cache_peer parent 8118 7 no-query

    Only after all these are set it makes sense to clear the cache
    (if necessary).

    Thanks to Andreas and his insight! Thanks to everybody
    involved in running this newsgroup!

    Damjan Pavlovec
    IS management
    CHS Ltd.

  • Andreas Oesterhelt

    • summary: Privoxy isn't working... --> config redirect must expire at once
  • Andreas Oesterhelt

    Logged In: YES

    Damjan, thanks for your squid conf suggestion and making us
    aware of the problem!

    I'd still prefer eliminating the root cause over providing hints
    to our users how they can avoid the effects on different
    browsers and proxies.

    The redirect from to
    needs to be changed to expire immediately (currently 24hrs).
    I'll check with whether that's possible. If not,
    we'll need another VHOST setup at SF.

    oes@ratzfatz:~/projekte/privoxy/current > telnet 80
    Connected to
    Escape character is '^]'.
    GET / HTTP/1.1

    HTTP/1.1 302 Found
    Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2003 19:42:26 GMT
    Server: Apache
    Expires: Thu, 06 Mar 2003 19:42:39 GMT
    Connection: close
    Transfer-Encoding: chunked
    Content-Type: text/html

    <TITLE>302 Found</TITLE>
    The document has moved <A


    Connection closed by foreign host.

  • Andreas Oesterhelt

    • labels: 210414 -->
  • Andreas Oesterhelt

    • assigned_to: oes --> nobody
    • milestone: 203703 -->
  • Andreas Oesterhelt

    Logged In: YES

    Turning into Devel-Todo item.

    Pending on further feedback/action from ZoneEdit, whose 1st-level
    support is -- as always -- a pleasure to deal with :-(

  • Fabian Keil

    Fabian Keil - 2008-02-10
    • assigned_to: nobody --> fabiankeil
    • status: open --> closed-works-for-me
  • Fabian Keil

    Fabian Keil - 2008-02-10

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    More recent Privoxy versions will redirect requests for to which should
    solve (meaning: work around) the problem.

    It doesn't look like the expiration of the original
    redirect will be modified any time soon, so we'll
    just have to live with it.


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