
IFC Guid on family

Eddy Tick
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  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2018-06-21

    v19.1 is out here, as an interim to Github being ready. We are working out the contribution for the github project now.

    • Eddy Tick

      Eddy Tick - 2018-06-25

      Please keep us update to date....

  • WdB

    WdB - 2018-07-16

    So, Version 18.4.0, 6/25/2018 is out.
    In the 'Export Bug Fixes' section, I read the following:

    • Restore proper GUID for some door, windows, and property sets.

    So does this mean the 'Changing GUID problem' is now fixed? And if yes, will it be fixed as well for the 2016/2017 versions?

    fingers crossed..

    • Eddy Tick

      Eddy Tick - 2018-07-16

      I will do some testing, hope it works.
      Was working on the problem on Github, hope they will switch over with all code soon.

      will update you if it works or not :)

    • Eddy Tick

      Eddy Tick - 2018-07-16

      Well it does NOT work, it is even worse :( The IfcGuid is not written back and so always creates a new one. The basic walls do not get an IFCGuid that hosts these windows etc..


      • WdB

        WdB - 2018-10-12

        So.. How can we rely on IFC if the IfcGuid keeps changing?? THIS IS A HUGE PROBLEM!! I really want to adopt all the standardisation made bij buildingSMART, but we need to rely on the unique GUID's stay the same after multiple IFC exports from Revit AND other software.
        When can we expect this to be fixed??!

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Hi Eddy,

    Do you have a quickstart on how to compile the code on github to an installable plugin?
    It would be nice to be able to evaluate intermediate fixes and improvements.


    • Eddy Tick

      Eddy Tick - 2018-07-16

      Hi Dirk,

      No don't have that, but is not too difficult to change to your own enviroment.
      If you installed in the normal paths (C drive) it works out off the box with updating the exporter.

      In the source directory for the projects there are .props files

      IFCExporterUIOverride.props.template - copy this file and change its name to IFCExporterUIOverride.props

      you will have to rename this file to IFCExporterUIOverride.props
      In this file edit the line which point to the revit references.


        <!-- Change to your directory of Revit installation. -->
        <HintPath>C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit Architecture 2018\Program\RevitAPI.dll</HintPath>

      When compiling in Visual studio and not working on the default path, change the 'Build events' Postbuild events to youre environment.

      This should do the trick, need more help let me know.



  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Hi Eddy,

    I'll try if I get it working (or as a good literal translation: if can make chocolate out of it :-) )


  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Hi Eddy,
    Renaming the props.template(s) and adjusting the paths, is working well.
    But in the Solutions Explorer, there seems stil to be a problem with the References of Revit.IFC.export. I don't have a clue how to get this corrected.

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Hi Eddy,
    Ignore my question above. I've got it working.
    It's nice to be able to make use of an intermediate exporter with fixed issues (and to follow up the bunch of issues that are unfortunately not yet fixed).

    • Eddy Tick

      Eddy Tick - 2018-07-31

      Hi Dirk,

      Great hope Autodesk will take this more serious, as the world tries to use IFC as an exchange format and the output from the Exporter is that unreliable.
      We have great problems with the Guid changing, BCF can not be used with IFC created by Autodesk. They should start unit testing on the exports. Build some testing code that compares IFC models. We created our own reader/writer and this is able to do this. So Autodesk should also be able to do that.



  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Hi Eddy,

    I can only fully agree with the content of your message.
    We shouldn't be busy anymore by worrying about the issues of the export, or inventing all kind of workarounds, so that all the time could be spent in the real challenge: getting better buildings, making processes more effiently, doing smart stuff, getting focus back on our real jobs, by USING the IFC-models. It's amazing how much time is lost now: if you just take in mind the time you spent on this kind of issues, and you add the time which is spent by your clients or contractors in your network on this kind of things ... and if you extrapolate it nationwide ... it's a bit frustrating, also compared to the nice roadmaps & presentations that are spread.

    I'm very curious how serious the IFC4 certification will be, since the IFC2x3 one was an empty shell. Soon I'm going to start using the EDM-server for validation. It's not my job, but I want to get in control in the usability/predictability of the exportoutcome.
    I do follow up this/your GUID-topic. Concerning units I also already posted some issues.

    Luckely I don't have any personal benefit in this matter, but since having a reliable model is so crucial for whatever you want to do with the IFC-model, I will do my best to get this painfull issue on the national (bouw)agenda (or any related initiative).


  • Andy Parrella

    Andy Parrella - 2018-07-31

    Eddy, what are the particulars of what doesn't work? I see basic elements getting their GUIDs and retaining them on re-export.

    • Eddy Tick

      Eddy Tick - 2018-07-31


      A while ago i uploaded a sample revit file with description on what the problem is. (in this discussion)

      This simple and small sample illustrates the problem. tried to help but the github is incomplete (not all revit versions there). In this discussion i also described how to debug and find the exact problem.

  • Dirk Van Rillaer

    Making use of the sample of Eddy: screenshot of the changing GlobalId's of the IfcWindows.
    Tested with R19.1.current-IFC4RVcert.-branche

  • Andy Parrella

    Andy Parrella - 2018-08-01

    I don't see this happening in 2018 or later with a new file I created using out of the box windows. However I do see the issue using your file. It must be the window is created differently - we'll figure it out.

    • Eddy Tick

      Eddy Tick - 2018-08-02

      Create a family just like the sample and it will happen.
      Problem in the code is that the Guid from the window goes to the created opening (not created in revit). What we do is create a sample revit model with all possibilities. So wall with a opening in revit and then fill it with the window and just the window in the wall and the same with created families. Also it is needed to create a family that is based on a created family.
      And then do the same testing, Do this standard walls and walls that are filled with isolation material.

      I know there are a lot off posibilities but that is what is possible in Revit :)

  • Andy Parrella

    Andy Parrella - 2018-08-01

    Angel, that's REVIT-135617

  • Eddy Tick

    Eddy Tick - 2018-08-20

    Hi All,

    Any progress made ? Need this fix soon, my customers are getting crazy with the bcf problems because off the changing Guid.



  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2018-08-20

    Not yet. It is on our backog for further investigation.

  • Eddy Tick

    Eddy Tick - 2018-08-20


  • Eddy Tick

    Eddy Tick - 2018-09-07

    We are weeks further and no news, what can i tell my customers?
    We need a deadline, else we have to take steps to look at other solutions from other vendors.

  • Angel Velez

    Angel Velez - 2018-09-07

    I'll prioritize the investigation for the next 2 week planning period.

    • WdB

      WdB - 2018-10-12

      please keep us updated, this issue is the absolute deal-breaker for IFC and open collaboration (my opinion)

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