
#207 Corrupts little-endian UTF-16 strings if no BOM. PATCH

happens every time

ID3lib id3lib-3.8.3 assumes UTF-16 strings without BOMs are big-endian, and does not handle little-endian strings well, producing non-compliant output (little-endian strings tagged as big-endian).
Although the standards compliance of little-endian UTF-16 strings without BOMs is questionable, there is no doubt that id3lib's output is not compliant.
This situation is avoidable by making a simple check to determine whether the first character in the string is a valid big-endian character and, if not, treating it as little-endian.

A patch is attached that performs this test and allows id3lib to function with both big-endian-without-BOM and most little-endian-without-BOM strings.

The following is an extracted comment section from the patch that describes exactly how the testing is done:

// The string is UTF-16 (Unicode) but with no Byte Order Marker (BOM).
// Even though the Unicode standard says that big-endian should be assumed in the absence of
// a BOM, it also says that this can be overriden by other concerns. Some Windows software
// authors appear to have interpreted this as meaning that Wintel's little-endianism
// may override the presumption of big-endianism. Others assume that it does not.
// Files may, therefore, contain either, and neither big- nor little-endian is a safe
// assumption.
// For western alphabets, most characters are represented by a zero as the most significant
// byte. A zero as the second byte, therefore, indicates strongly that the string is
// little-endian. There are only five cases in which this is not true - where the first byte is:
// 00 00 - Null (reversible, "non-endian", terminates string)
// 01 00 - Latin capital letter A with macron
// 02 00 - Latin capital letter A with double grave
// 03 00 - Combining grave accent
// 04 00 - Cyrillic capital letter IE with grave (U+0400)
// The corresponding reversed characters are:
// 00 01 - Start of Heading
// 00 02 - Start of Text
// 00 03 - End of Text
// 00 04 - End of Transmission
// None of these reversed characters are likely to occur in ID3 strings.
// We can therefore safely improve on the big-endian assumption for strings without BOM
// by recognising that if the second byte is zero, and the first byte is greater than 04,
// then the string must be little-endian.
// This modification does not address the missing BOM problem completely, because incorrectly
// non-BOMd little-endian strings using non-western alphabets will still not be detected.
// However, this method will not cause any "false positives" resulting in big-endian strings
// being incorrectly reversed.

This has been tested on id3lib-3.8.3, using id3v2.

Hope this is useful



  • Granville Moore

    Granville Moore - 2012-03-24

    Patch for id3lib-3.8.3 io_helpers.cpp that detects and handles little-endian UTF-16 without BOMs

  • Granville Moore

    Granville Moore - 2012-03-24
    • summary: Discards little-endian UTF-16 strings if no BOM. PATCH --> Corrupts little-endian UTF-16 strings if no BOM. PATCH

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