
#50 No alarm sound + Graphics Card:Device Tamper


Dear developers,

Today I found iAlertU warned that someone tampered with the machine. Looking back at the logfiles showed me the graphics card initiated iAlertU.

4/15/12 4:11:54.568 PM iAlertU: serviceMatchingRemovedCallback
4/15/12 4:11:54.569 PM iAlertU: deviceRemoved
4/15/12 4:11:54.569 PM iAlertU: handleServiceStateChange >>>
4/15/12 4:11:54.569 PM iAlertU: name: [AGPMClient], class: [AGPMClient]
4/15/12 4:11:54.569 PM iAlertU: Triggering with reason: Device tamper
4/15/12 4:11:54.569 PM iAlertU: LocationHandler.restart
4/15/12 4:11:54.570 PM iAlertU: stopLocationRefreshTimer, class is: __NSCFTimer
4/15/12 4:11:54.571 PM iAlertU: location manager reported new location: 52N00_09__004E22_31
4/15/12 4:11:54.575 PM iAlertU: snap called
4/15/12 4:11:54.575 PM iAlertU: snap unblocked
4/15/12 4:11:54.599 PM UserEventAgent: *** mach_port_mod_refs returned error 15
4/15/12 4:11:55.391 PM iAlertU: handleServiceStateChange <<<
4/15/12 4:11:55.396 PM iAlertU: serviceMatchingRemovedCallback
4/15/12 4:11:55.396 PM iAlertU: deviceRemoved
4/15/12 4:11:55.397 PM iAlertU: handleServiceStateChange >>>
4/15/12 4:11:55.397 PM iAlertU: name: [AppleGraphicsControlClient], class: [AppleGraphicsControlClient]
4/15/12 4:11:55.397 PM iAlertU: name: [AppleGraphicsControlClient], class: [AppleGraphicsControlClient]
4/15/12 4:11:55.397 PM iAlertU: handleServiceStateChange <<<
4/15/12 4:11:56.909 PM iAlertU: serviceMatchingRemovedCallback
4/15/12 4:11:56.909 PM iAlertU: deviceRemoved
4/15/12 4:11:56.909 PM iAlertU: handleServiceStateChange >>>
4/15/12 4:11:56.910 PM iAlertU: name: [AppleGraphicsControlClient], class: [AppleGraphicsControlClient]
4/15/12 4:11:56.910 PM iAlertU: handleServiceStateChange <<<
4/15/12 4:11:56.928 PM iAlertU: sending capture notification: TRIGGER_SNAP
4/15/12 4:11:56.929 PM iAlertU: clearing snapStarted flag

Of course I could switch off devices, but then other attached devices aren't secured.

Also I would like to suggest that the alarm sound could be turned off in to no sound at all. This makes it perfect for using it in quiet places.
Instead of the alarm sound, the picture that the webcam just made should pop-up instead of the flashing screen. That'll scare them off! :)

Hope you can look in to it and many, many thanks in forward!


Victor, a very happy user


  • Victor Hartong

    Victor Hartong - 2012-04-15
    • summary: No alarm sound + Graphics Card:Device Tamper Video Card --> No alarm sound + Graphics Card:Device Tamper
  • Peter Easdown

    Peter Easdown - 2012-04-16

    You can already disable the alarm sound by setting a silent custom sound. I admit that this isn't intuitive, and I'll look into a new option to disable sound altogether.

    You can filter the video card using the DeviceFilters on the advanced tab. Just enter "AppleGraphicsControlClient" as a filter.


  • Victor Hartong

    Victor Hartong - 2012-04-16

    Yes, that is what I have been doing so far!
    But I thought this might be a bit of a workaround. So just gave the suggestion!

    As for the video card; thanks! I have added this to the device filters.

    Would people be interested in a manual for letting iAlertU working together with Proximity? If so, let me know. I'll build one this weekend.

  • Peter Easdown

    Peter Easdown - 2012-04-19

    Yes, it is a workaround. I'll see what I can add in the next version (which is not, I'm sorry to say, at the top of my pile at the moment).

    Proximity is something that is high on the list for integration, but I haven't done it because people like yourself have found other ways to achieve the same goal.

    I think a manual would be terrific! If you put one together, I'll add it to the repository, and place it in the downloads area prominently.

    Please put a caveat in there somewhere pointing out that the iAlertU developers can't provide support for Proximity.



  • Peter Easdown

    Peter Easdown - 2012-04-19
    • assigned_to: nobody --> ezsource

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