
#339 Last version (0.76) send mails without pictures

Email (18)

Last version send mails without pictures. Pictures exist in folders. I try on few others mail severs, but still same. It's problem of Mac OS 10.6 security update or latest version of iAlertU. Do not send the screenshots also, although it is made. Previous versions worked without a this type of problems.


  • Peter Easdown

    Peter Easdown - 2012-01-01

    I haven't seen this problem. I regularly get alarm messages with attached images (because I keep plugging my phone in).

    I'm also running 10.6 still so I don't think it's that.

    Please ensure that "Email images" is ticked on the email tab of your preferences.


  • Krzysztof Harężlak

    I tested:
    - on two MacBook Pro with SnowLeo (10.6.8)
    - with few other smtp servers
    - with new one created users account
    - with reinstalled iAlertU (after cleaning both preferences of course)
    - with firewall turned of...

    ...and still the same problem.

    I tested also on other MacBooks with Lion - works fine without the problem... Maybe the problem exist in "mail body", becouse was sended without attachmnets... see attached screnshots

  • Peter Easdown

    Peter Easdown - 2012-01-03

    one more thought. Check your date/time settings on the snow leopard and lion machines. Are they the same? Is the date/time format the same?


  • Krzysztof Harężlak

    No. On Lion I have localized polish format 2011-01-03 with 24 ours time. On SnowLeopard I have english US localization, but customized to polish format. This problem don't exist before, and I don't change them in last year ;)

  • Peter Easdown

    Peter Easdown - 2012-01-26
    • assigned_to: nobody --> ezsource
    • milestone: --> v0.76
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Peter Easdown

    Peter Easdown - 2012-01-26

    Fixed in v0.77. the problem was actually a rounding issue when converting lat/long coordinates to internal float values.

  • Peter Easdown

    Peter Easdown - 2012-01-26
    • status: closed-fixed --> pending-fixed
  • Krzysztof Harężlak

    • status: pending-fixed --> open-fixed
  • Krzysztof Harężlak

    Yes, I confirm - fixed in version 0.77. Special thanks to Peter Easdown, for their help and fix. Very professional support. Best regards.

  • Peter Easdown

    Peter Easdown - 2012-06-20
    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed

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