
#324 arming/disarming

General (87)

When you put the led down on the macbook pro 15in i5 it arms but you try to disarm it its not working i had to power it off wait on it to come back up and disarm it that way and the alarm still sound even after I put in the correct password then a few seconds thru it disarmed and unlocked.

Sometime the disarming don't work me even if I am just closing the led. I have uninstall the software and then reinstall the software plus did the update and its the same thing. I am worried that I want to be able to get into my mac next time you all should think about creating a master over ride that will work just incase.


  • Peter Easdown

    Peter Easdown - 2011-06-11

    We won't be adding a master reset. It would defeat the purpose of having iAlertU in the first place. v0.73 should have dealt with the issues you've described.

    An OS update changed the lid close/wakeup mechanism somehow, but v0.73 should have dealt with that.


  • Peter Easdown

    Peter Easdown - 2011-08-18
    • labels: --> General
    • milestone: --> v0.73
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Peter Easdown

    Peter Easdown - 2011-08-18

    Fixed for v0.74. It turned out that after a sleep, if you have the OS asking for a password after sleep (a very good idea), the password/login dialog was hidden by ialertu, however is was accepting keystrokes. You could disarm by (blindly) logging in, and then entering the ialertu password.



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