
#105 No speaker sound when bluetooth headphones are connected



iAlert fails to play sound when bluetooth headphones are connected.

To reproduce the issue, pair bluetooth headphones (stereo) with a computer and make sure the sound is router to the headphones. Then arm iAlert with a remote and trigger it. As with wire headphones, mac should be able to switch to external speakers in order to sound the alarm, but it doesn't.

Hardware config: macbook 2.4GHz Core 2 Duo OSX 10.5.4 with Motorola S9 bluetooth headset.


  • Jason Bowen

    Jason Bowen - 2008-09-16


    So what you're saying is: You're listening to some music with your headphones, away from your computer, you ARM your computer, someone tampers with it, and you want the alarm to go through the computer speakers instead of your headphones?

    This makes no sense. What are the chances of you hearing that alarm while you could be away from your computer with your headphones ON?

  • heffeque

    heffeque - 2011-06-23

    No, it means that there's a fundamental security exploit.

    Say someone sees a laptop in the library and sees that iAlertU is turned on. He just needs to plug in anything in the shape of a jack port and... voila.


    Step one: plug in a microphone or some broken crappy headphones, no sound will come out from iAlertU.
    Step two: Steal the laptop without anybody noticing.

  • Peter Easdown

    Peter Easdown - 2011-06-23

    The old headphone jack issue is one that we can't fix unfortunately, certainly not on all macbooks. My understanding is that on some of the newer units, we can do something, but even that is limited. My problem is that I don't have access to that hardware, and have no way to ensure that what I do fixes the problem.

    Yes it's a problem, but even if they do place a 3.5mm plug in the headphone jack, iAlertU is still going to send out the email. Another option is to use uAlertMe with an active bonjour connection (assuming that your library has wifi and that both your iphone and mac are connected to it, and the app is in the foreground) so that you get an audible alert via your phone.

    If I ever get the chance to have more hardware to test this stuff out with, it is probably in the top 3 issues/features that I want to address.

    Believe me, I have spent time on trying to plug this hole.


  • heffeque

    heffeque - 2011-06-24

    Maybe you can talk to the people from "Sounflower" ( here ) They do stuff with the audio output and it works with all kinds of Macs. I've used it to do some screencasting and it worked perfectly.

    Soundflower is open source, so maybe they can help out :-)

  • Peter Easdown

    Peter Easdown - 2011-06-24

    Thanks for that. I'l chase that lead and see what I can do. It is definitely something that I'd like to see fixed.



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