
Five google Summer of Code students accepted

The following projects are scheduled for completion by August 31 2007:

Pedro Alonso from Spain, mentored by Herbert Bay from Switzerland, will develop a new algorithm to identify better control points, so critical to the stitching process

Ippei Ukai from Japan currently in Scotland, mentored by Yuval Levy from Israel currently in Canada, will produce a new user interface to make this versatile tools even easier to use on multiple platforms (Windows/Mac/Linux/Unix)

Jing Jin from USA, mentored by Pablo d'Angelo from Germany, will develop a robust blending algorithm to eliminate ghosting in HDR panoramas to widen the range of applications for the HDR technique beyond the perfectly still scenes

Mohammad Shahiduzzaman from Bangladesh, mentored by John Cupitt from UK, will look at the current bottleneck in panorama rendering to enable efficient processing of very large images

Leon Monctezuma from Mexico, mentored by Aldo Hoeben from The Netherlands, will build on the community effort started last year to produce a modern, native, universal VR viewer to support the widest variety of panorama formats on multiple platforms

Posted by Bruno Postle 2007-04-12

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