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File Date Author Commit
 APSCpp 2010-10-14 Felix Hagemann Felix Hagemann [3a0572] Fix crash when input pto lines exceed 512 chara...
 CMakeModules 2009-02-22 gkohlmeyer gkohlmeyer [725c13] Updated CMake files for libxml2 2.7.3, wxWidget...
 doc 2008-01-02 brunopostle brunopostle [8d8c7a] man page cleanup and rename
 .hgtags 2010-05-18 convert-repo convert-repo [7cd0b1] update tags
 APSCmain.c 2009-05-30 brunopostle brunopostle [adbd81] unify line-endings
 AreaFilter.c 2008-01-15 dangelo dangelo [262685] Added CMake build system and fixed source, so t...
 ArrayList.c 2008-02-22 tksharpless tksharpless [926f16] Undoing previous commit -- I just didn't unders...
 AutoPano.c 2010-05-23 Bruno Postle Bruno Postle [ba04a1] Suppot HDR floating-point input photos (Andrew ...
 AutoPanoSift.h 2009-09-30 yuv yuv [780d66] remove pano12 cruft
 BondBall.c 2008-01-15 dangelo dangelo [262685] Added CMake build system and fixed source, so t...
 CMakeLists.txt 2010-05-13 brunopostle brunopostle [4cebf8] Implicit libm linking failed on fedora-f13 with...
 ChangeLog 2010-05-23 Bruno Postle Bruno Postle [e2a05e] Transfer changelog enties from SVN
 DisplayImage.c 2010-10-23 Bruno Postle Bruno Postle [1442bb] Fix for build with msvc2008 (davidefabbri)
 GaussianConvolution.c 2007-05-29 dangelo dangelo [26cac0] moved files to trunk directory
 GenerateKeys.c 2008-01-15 dangelo dangelo [262685] Added CMake build system and fixed source, so t...
 HashTable.c 2007-05-29 dangelo dangelo [26cac0] moved files to trunk directory
 ImageMap.c 2009-05-29 brunopostle brunopostle [daafb5] Inline ImageMap_SetPixel() and ImageMap_GetPixe...
 ImageMatchModel.c 2008-01-15 dangelo dangelo [262685] Added CMake build system and fixed source, so t...
 KDTree.c 2008-01-15 dangelo dangelo [262685] Added CMake build system and fixed source, so t...
 KeypointXML.c 2008-02-02 sebpz sebpz [b6d99f] Adding gz output for keyfiles
 LICENSE 2007-05-29 dangelo dangelo [26cac0] moved files to trunk directory
 LoweDetector.c 2009-07-27 tksharpless tksharpless [d9c482] Usable, needs work.
 MatchKeys.c 2010-05-23 Bruno Postle Bruno Postle [ba04a1] Suppot HDR floating-point input photos (Andrew ...
 RANSAC.c 2008-01-15 dangelo dangelo [262685] Added CMake build system and fixed source, so t...
 README 2010-01-06 brunopostle brunopostle [69ece6] Remove outdated C# build instructions
 README.1ST 2008-07-23 brunopostle brunopostle [388e6d] Update ChangeLog for 2.5.0 release.
 Random.c 2007-05-29 dangelo dangelo [26cac0] moved files to trunk directory
 RevisionLog.txt 2009-07-27 tksharpless tksharpless [4d18a3] Removed "refine" option and related code.
 ScaleSpace.c 2009-03-03 brunopostle brunopostle [0dbc51] Eliminate a couple of rare cases in which autop...
 SimpleMatrix.c 2007-05-29 dangelo dangelo [26cac0] moved files to trunk directory
 TestArray.c 2008-01-15 dangelo dangelo [262685] Added CMake build system and fixed source, so t...
 TestKDTree.c 2008-01-15 dangelo dangelo [262685] Added CMake build system and fixed source, so t...
 TestRandom.c 2008-01-15 dangelo dangelo [262685] Added CMake build system and fixed source, so t...
 Transform.c 2007-12-30 brunopostle brunopostle [9ea3bf] Apply fix from bug #1808333 seems to work for me.
 Utils.c 2010-05-23 Bruno Postle Bruno Postle [ba04a1] Suppot HDR floating-point input photos (Andrew ...
 autopano-c-complete 2008-02-05 brunopostle brunopostle [85ba20] Perl version of autopano-c-complete, should be ... 2008-02-02 sebpz sebpz [b6d99f] Adding gz output for keyfiles
 autopano-c-complete.vbs 2008-02-05 tksharpless tksharpless [fd7486] Finds the autopano executables if they are in a... 2009-09-30 yuv yuv [780d66] remove pano12 cruft

Read Me

SIFT Feature Detection implementation

Copyright (C) 2004-2005, Sebastian Nowozin (


The SIFT feature detection algorithm has been invented and published by David
Lowe at the University of British Columbia. A detailed account of the complete
algorithm is available at

  The algorithm provides the capability to identify key feature points within
arbitrary images. It further extracts highly distinct information for each
such point and allows to characterize the point invariant to a number of
modifications to the image. It is invariant to contrast/brightness changes, to
rotation, scaling and partially invariant to other kinds of transformations.
The algorithm can be flexibly used to create input data for image matching,
object identification and other computer vision related algorithms.

  The use of the SIFT algorithm for automatic panorama creation has been
developed by Matthew Brown and David Lowe in their paper "Recognising
Panoramas" available at and
examples of this application are available at

  This package provides an implementation of the SIFT algorithm and a set of
utilities to utilize the algorithm to match two or more images. As output, a
number of control points are created, which specify one and the same image
location in two images. The output is created as project file for the Hugin
panorama stitching software, which is available at


    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


	"The University of British Columbia has applied for a patent on the SIFT
	 algorithm in the United States.  Applications of this software may
	 require a license from the University of British Columbia."

The detailed license for this package is available in the "LICENSE" file,
please read and acknowledge it before using the software.  The SIFT algorithm
is patented in the United States and as such restricted in use within the
United States.  I believe it is safe to use the software for any purpose
outside of the US, but I will not take any guarantee for doing so.  Inside the
US, please consult the licensing office of the University of British Columbia.


The only dependencies are:
libpano13, libpng, libtiff, libjpeg, zlib and libxml2

autopano-sift-C uses a standard cmake build system:

  cmake .
  make install