
#1793 Frameset not added to DOM if it has previous siblings which are empty

Latest SVN

This happens since a change in neko-htmlunit (

Tests with Firefox and Chrome show that previous empty siblings are ignored and the frameset is correctly added. If the siblings are not empty they are added to the DOM and the frameset is not.

I attached a patch with two tests which show the described behaviour.

1 Attachments


  • Ahmed Ashour

    Ahmed Ashour - 2016-06-01
    • status: open --> accepted
  • Ahmed Ashour

    Ahmed Ashour - 2016-06-01

    Thanks for the test case, which was committed.

  • Atsushi Nakagawa

    Here is a related test case:

    <form name="f1">
      <frameset cols="100,*" frameborder="1">
        <frame src="about:blank">
        <frame src="about:blank">

    Major browsers (Chrome, IE, Firefox) seem to prioritize the <frameset>. I tried changing the <form> tag to p, div, span, h1 and still get the same result. It is not prioritized if I change <form> it to <table>.

  • RBRi

    RBRi - 2017-02-04

    Fixed in SVN, a new snapshot is available.

    Will have a look ath the second case later

  • RBRi

    RBRi - 2017-02-04
    • assigned_to: RBRi
  • RBRi

    RBRi - 2017-02-05


    have added test cases for case:

    • com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.MalformedHtmlTest.framesetInsideDiv()
    • com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.MalformedHtmlTest.framesetInsideForm()
    • com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.MalformedHtmlTest.framesetInsideTable()

    Last edit: RBRi 2017-02-05
  • RBRi

    RBRi - 2017-02-05
    • assigned_to: RBRi --> nobody

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