
#162 PrettyHtmlSerialiser drops trailing space in tags

C Martin
String html = "<b>One </b>Two";
TagNode node = cleaner.clean(html);
String cleanedHtml = (new PrettyHtmlSerialiser(props, " ")).getAsString(node, "UTF-8");

will produce cleaned HTML of


dropping the space inside the tag.

SimpleHtmlSerialiser preserves the space.


  • Scott Wilson

    Scott Wilson - 2015-12-16

    Yes, I can confirm it does this. The offending code is in PrettyHtmlSerializer.getSingleLineOfChildren where it trims the child content. I think a more appropriate algorithm in this instance is a whitespace collapse function, which turns any amount of whitespace into a single space character.

    • C Martin

      C Martin - 2015-12-16

      Would the white-space collapsing would fit more logically in the cleaner phase, and not in the renderer? The single/mutiple whitespace equivalence is a property of HTML itself, and would apply however it's rendered.

  • Scott Wilson

    Scott Wilson - 2015-12-16

    Logically you'd think so, however in the parsing rules that doesn't seem to be the case. If you put two spaces between words in a tag, then it renders in a browser (e.g. Chrome) as a single space - but if you inspect the DOM via xPath, both spaces are still there. So its not actually part of the cleaning phase.

  • Scott Wilson

    Scott Wilson - 2015-12-16

    ... but in any case it would suggest for this that the best option is to not trim any spaces in the output from PrettyHtmlSerializer

  • Scott Wilson

    Scott Wilson - 2017-02-06
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