
'Illegal' moves

  • CCV

    CCV - 2012-04-11

    I'm sure that I'm making mistakes of some sort in the way I 'solve' puzzles.

    For example:

    With difficulty level set to Hard and 2200+ (which gives me quite a number and
    variety of Hard steps, usually), some puzzles seem to be solvable based on
    nothing more than naked pairs and naked triples.

    Plus, although very rarely, F11 solves remaining singles but with some Invalid
    values - i.e., the puzzle has more than one solution.

    While there is some satisfaction in solving a puzzle in fewer and easier steps
    than the Solution Path might suggest, and there is more than one possible path
    to a solution, I'm concerned that some moves I make are not strictly valid at
    a given stage. But, unless a Deviation is displayed, I don't have any reason
    to question the validity of my moves.

    "Deviations" are ultimately, according to puzzle solution, actually 'Invalid'

    My question being;

    Is it possible to determine from the current state of a puzzle and available
    techniques (I disabled a few) whether a move is strictly "legal" or not?

    That is, excluding a candidate or setting a value might be valid at some stage
    in the puzzle solution but not by any method at the current stage.

  • CCV

    CCV - 2012-04-12

    It turns out that one indicator of an Illegal step is the colour of the
    Progress Marker icon.

    I have been wondering why it changes from Yellow to Orange, or to Green,

    It turns Orange if I do something which changes the state of the puzzle so
    that the solution now requires some Unfair technique(s).

    And, likewise, Green if the solution then requires only Medium.

  • CCV

    CCV - 2012-04-12

    For example


    | 8 1459 159 | 79 4567 459 | 49 2 3 |

    | 345 6 2359 | 1 245 3459 | 7 8 49 |

    | 7 2349 239 | 239 24 8 | 1 6 5 |


    | 9 7 6 | 48 3 2 | 5 1 48 |

    | 1 245 25 | 48 9 6 | 248 3 7 |

    | 34 234 8 | 5 1 7 | 26 9 46 |


    | 2 8 4 | 6 57 39 | 39 57 1 |

    | 35 359 7 | 239 258 1 | 3689 4 689 |

    | 6 1359 1359 | 379 458 3459 | 389 57 2 |


    To my fuzzy way of thinking, I can exclude both 5 and 7 from r9c5.

    Excluding the 7 alone produces an 'Unfair' rating, because the solution then
    requires an XY Chain.

    Excluding the 5 as well changes rating back to 'Hard'.

  • Bernhard Hobiger

    Yes, you can eliminate 5 and 7 from r9c5. And yes, the side effects of
    eliminations can be confusing.

    The first case (eliminating a candidate makes the puzzle easier) is simple
    enough to understand: Every puzzle has one or more cells, that, when set,
    reduce the puzzle to singles (the "backdoors"). The solver searches for steps
    in a predefined order. A human solver solves more intuitive. If an
    elimination, that is not part of the computer solution, triggers a backdoor,
    the puzzle becomes very easy indeed.

    The second case (eliminating a candidate makes the puzzle HARDER), is not so
    easy to understand, but it does happen. Lets take a look at your example. If
    we eliminate both candiates (5 and 7) from r9c5, we get an X-Wing after a few
    steps, that, amongst others, eliminates 5 from r2c6:

    |  8    1459  159   | 7    6    459   | 49    2  3   |
    | *345  6     23-59 | 1   *245  34-59 | 7     8  49  |
    |  7    2349  239   | 39   24   8     | 1     6  5   |
    |  9    7     6     | 48   3    2     | 5     1  48  |
    |  1    245   25    | 48   9    6     | 248   3  7   |
    |  34   234   8     | 5    1    7     | 26    9  46  |
    |  2    8     4     | 6    7    39    | 39    5  1   |
    | *35   3-59  7     | 2   *58   1     | 3689  4  689 |
    |  6    1359  1359  | 39   48   45    | 389   7  2   |
    X-Wing: 5 c15 r28 => r2c36,r8c2<>5

    A bit later a W-Wing eliminates 4 from r2c6, producing a Naked Single in r2c6:

    |  8   145  159 | 7    6     459 | 49   2  3  |
    | #45  6    239 | 1    245   3-4 | 7    8  49 |
    |  7   24   39  | 39   24    8   | 1    6  5  |
    |  9   7    6   | 48   3     2   | 5    1  48 |
    |  1   25   25  | 48   9     6   | 48   3  7  |
    |  34  34   8   | 5    1     7   | 2    9  6  |
    |  2   8    4   | 6    7     39  | 39   5  1  |
    | #35  39   7   | 2   #58    1   | 6    4  89 |
    |  6   159  15  | 39   48   #45  | 389  7  2  |
    W-Wing: 4/5 in r2c1,r9c6 verbunden durch 5 in r8c15 => r2c6<>4

    Rest is Singles plus one W-Wing.

    Now lets look at the situation, when we eliminate only 7 from r9c5. After the
    same steps, that led to the X-Wing above, we get the following grid:

    | 8    1459  159  | 7   6    459  | 49    2  3   |
    | 345  6     2359 | 1   245  3459 | 7     8  49  |
    | 7    2349  239  | 39  24   8    | 1     6  5   |
    | 9    7     6    | 48  3    2    | 5     1  48  |
    | 1    245   25   | 48  9    6    | 248   3  7   |
    | 34   234   8    | 5   1    7    | 26    9  46  |
    | 2    8     4    | 6   7    39   | 39    5  1   |
    | 35   359   7    | 2   58   1    | 3689  4  689 |
    | 6    1359  1359 | 39  458  45   | 389   7  2   |

    As you can see, the 5 in r9c5 makes the X-Wing invalid and thus nothing can be
    eliminated from r2c6.

    The W-Wing a bit later is the same as above:

    |  8   14   #159  | 7   6    #459  | 49   2  3  |
    | #45  6     2359 | 1   245   3-45 | 7    8  49 |
    |  7   24    39   | 39  24    8    | 1    6  5  |
    |  9   7     6    | 48  3     2    | 5    1  48 |
    |  1   25    25   | 48  9     6    | 48   3  7  |
    |  34  34    8    | 5   1     7    | 2    9  6  |
    |  2   8     4    | 6   7     39   | 39   5  1  |
    |  35  359   7    | 2   58    1    | 6    4  89 |
    |  6   159   15   | 39  458  #45   | 389  7  2  |
    W-Wing: 4/5 in r2c1,r9c6 verbunden durch 5 in r1c36 => r2c6<>4

    But since 5 has not been eliminated from r9c5, it has also not been eliminated
    from r2c6, and so r2c6 does NOT become a Naked Single. The simplest step
    available is now an XY-Chain, the puzzle has become harder.

  • Bernhard Hobiger

    Determining if an elimination is "legal" or not is not as easy as it sounds
    and I doubt it can be done altogether, especially when you take into account,
    that players sometimes execute more than one step at once. The only real
    "ultimate" check is, wether an eliminated candidate was part of the solution
    or not, as you mentioned above.

    A manual check for standard steps can be done using the "All possible steps"
    panel: Befor eliminating a candidate, do a search for all steps (you would
    have to disable unwanted techniques for all steps as well as for the solver).
    Using "Sort cells by affected cells/candidates" (the "C" icon) you can quickly
    check, if HoDoKu found steps for your candidates.

    Puzzles should definitely not have more than one solution. If F11 produces red
    cells, the most probable cause is, that you have overlooked an invalid
    elimination before pressing F11. If thats not the case, it would be a bug, but
    I would need a test case to verify it.

  • CCV

    CCV - 2012-04-13

    It is quite possible I overlooked an invalid exclusion. I found it necessary
    to increase the intensity of Deviations colour, a little, at some time for
    that very reason. Yet, if I deliberately try it now the result of pressing F11
    is both Deviations (pink) and Invalid (red) values. F11 multiple times
    produces red only.

    Whatever the case, Invalid 'solutions' are very rare and I figure it was most
    likely something I did. Since the introduction of the Progress Marker, it is
    now easier to see if a puzzle is made invalid at some stage.

    If, in the remote possibility, I find another F11/invalid result, then I
    definitely have in mind to post it here for your consideration.

    Thank you for your detailed reply.

    I didn't think it would be easy, if even possible.

    I failed to note that W Wing is one technique I am not using at present - the
    other is HR. That would mean the path I have is different from the one you

    Still, it is interesting to me to discover why the Progress Marker colour

  • CCV

    CCV - 2012-04-21

    This would be easier to explain if it were possible to attach a .hsol file

    As far as I can tell, the following solution is quite "legal".

    Starting with Givens: 836..7...1....2....47.1......1....

    Locked Pair (or Locked Candidates) 5, 9 in b1 => r3c1 = 2; r2c8 <> 5

    Hidden single r8c7 = 7 =>

    Naked Triple 3, 4, 8 r245c7 => r3c7 = 9 => r3c8 = 8 =>

    Naked Pair 4, 6 r28c8 => r16c8 <> 4

    Uniqueness Test 2 or 3 (or 4, more indirectly) 1/5 r16c89 => r6c9 = 6


  • Bernhard Hobiger

    I cant reproduce the error. Your solution path is of course valid (except the
    typo at the end: r7c9 = 6 instead of r6c9 = 6). When I follow your solution I
    get to:

    | 8     3     6    | 49    459    7     | 24   15  145 |
    | 1     59    59   | 346   3468   2     | 34   46  367 |
    | 2     4     7    | 36    1      356   | 9    8   356 |
    | 456   568   1    | 2346  23456  3456  | 348  7   9   |
    | 4569  7     459  | 1     34569  8     | 34   2   35  |
    | 3     2     4589 | 479   459    459   | 6    15  145 |
    | 46    168   2348 | 2346  7      1346  | 5    9   6   |
    | 4569  1569  3459 | 8     3469   13469 | 7    46  2   |
    | 4679  69    249  | 5     2469   469   | 1    3   8   |

    I press F11 and everything is blue as it should.

    I think you might be seeing side effects of a bug you reported a while back (
    1126425), which I have already corrected for the next version: If
    you have deleted values from cells while solving the puzzle, F11 might lead to
    incorrect solutions.

  • CCV

    CCV - 2012-04-22

    Sorry, I didn't mean to suggest the puzzle was invalid. I was looking for an
    expert opinion on whether my solution path is valid or not. Thank you.

    It's not for want of trying that I haven't found an invalid solution yet, but,
    if I did, I think I would post it under a more appropriate Subject heading.

    Although, in reality, it took me a little longer to spot the Possible UR it
    was easy to reproduce and describe (in summary) the minimum steps required -
    in this example.

    Most UR types, I find, are really easy to see and it is likely that's how I
    managed to bypass a series of Hard steps on other occasions. (UR type 3 I
    can't do, and I don't think I came across a type 5 yet...)


    I'm thinking that an image file would be the easiest way to 'describe' a
    puzzle state sometimes - showing Givens, Values and remaining Candidates all
    at once - and to demonstrate if invalid exclusion is absent. I could post a
    screenshot, but..

    What I assume is a 'browse' button, to choose destination, in Save as Image,
    wants to "Open" a file. Is this a bug?

    D is my CD/DVD drive letter. If I manually change destination to C and create
    folder "temp", on C drive, it saves image (and accompanying .txt) ok, but I
    wouldn't think HoDoku capable of opening them directly anyway.

  • Bernhard Hobiger

    UR: I like them too and they can be pretty effective.

    "Open" is not a bug, but lazyness on my part. But you are right, the UI is not
    very intuitive when saving pictures. The default of "d:\temp" is a bug though.
    It should initially point to your Documents folder.



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