
what is really executed

  • richard

    richard - 2006-11-28

    How do I find out what really is to be executed?
    If I type the command 'z', I get an error message.
    I don't have a command 'z'.  I don't have a macro 'z'.
    'command z' gets the same error message.  'macro z' says no such macro.
    'q synonym z' responds 'synonym z 1 z'.  But what is z?  I don't see it in the documentation. 

    • LesK

      LesK - 2006-12-02

      Issue the command: q z
      to get a hint.

    • George

      George - 2008-02-28

      Simple one to answer, "Z" is a synonym for the subCommand "Zone".


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