
Heroine Virtual / News: Recent posts

This page is dead

This sourceforget page has been decidedly worthless. This is going to be the last news posting to it. It's proven to be just a rant board for everyone who lost a job or got upstaged by something they didn't have the brain power to do themselves. Send all unemployment, emotional damage, and upstagement claims to

Posted by Heroine Virtual 2005-01-11

Water tight floating point

Cinelerra 1.2.1, Quicktime 2.0.4 updated. Enter the world of floating point imaging in this release. It's not just a more accurate colorspace, it's a totally new way of thinking about color. Finally, Cinelerra is officially more stable in 64 bit mode than 32 bit mode.

Posted by Heroine Virtual 2004-08-12

New releases

Cinelerra has a massive number of small changes. Quicktime finally decodes Sorenson and compressed headers. Mix2000 saves settings in more X Server crashes. Pictures from all the NAB appearances are available. A new 60fps demo movie is available showing some effects running in 60fps.

Posted by Heroine Virtual 2004-05-12


For the first time in 3 years we will be exhibiting at NAB, sharing a space in the Linux Media Arts/Labs booth in the northeast corner of the second floor of the south hall.

Posted by Heroine Virtual 2004-04-16

Discussion forums gone

After several years, the discussion forums had become just about useless and unproductive so they've been disabled. Instead you should use to vent issues.

Posted by Heroine Virtual 2004-02-18

The 2/11/04 release

The new release is here. Notably, the virtual console was flipped around from the push algorithm it used since 1997 to the pull algorithm that most modern programs use. This allowed most of the non-realtime plugins to run in realtime and allowed the introduction of video decimation. Now the original 23.97fps film print can be completely recovered from HDTV broadcasts. Further time domain conversions from HDTV allow 480i to be recovered from 1280x720 in realtime.... read more

Posted by Heroine Virtual 2004-02-11


The answer is yes. has been cybersquatted. You know you're popular when you have to pay someone $5 million for your own trademark.

Posted by Heroine Virtual 2004-02-10

New releases

That takes care of updating everything. As you know, Red Hat is no longer offering a free Linux distribution and their current distribution has a $150 subscription fee. It doesn't make sense to have to pay $150 to run your own software, so we've migrated to Fedora as a target platform.

Fedora is the continuation of the free Red Hat distribution, theoretically. Fedora 1.0 is a giant leap forward from Red Hat 9 in terms of C library and compiler behavior. Distributions are changing so fast now in basic functionality that it's anyone's guess whether even the simplest C functions are going to work over a 3 month period so these releases are really a best guess. There is no warranty.

Posted by Heroine Virtual 2003-11-11

Mailing list 4 U

Someone submitted a Cinelerra patch to Just so the sourceforget posters have some completeness, we created a

mailing list. Since Heroine Virtual Ltd. is not officially in the project management business, the unofficial/official mailing list for developers is still going to be read more

Posted by Heroine Virtual 2003-08-13

New releases

It's that time of the month again. Time to upgrade Red Hat and build for their latest distribution. This is the first time we've had enough spare hard drives to build for a vanilla, untouched, pristene Red Hat distribution and it seems to work.

Posted by Heroine Virtual 2003-08-11

New releases

So the new releases are done, the domain name is renewed, freshmeat is updated and the freakouts from the rejected patch contributors happened on que.

As for PAL, it seems the only people who can still afford camcorders are Europeans and terrorists, but the only people who want PAL and NTSC autodetection are in the one country which still uses NTSC. So far the solutions haven't transparently detected PAL or NTSC so they're not very relevant.... read more

Posted by Heroine Virtual 2003-05-13

The next release

Sourceforget is breaking records by being the free host to stay alive
longer than anyone else without significant cuts in service. So we
went through and cleaned out some bugs and got rid of some useless
forums. Now the next release is going to be May 12 so empty your
recycle bins now.

The next one has at least one less bug than the previous one.

Internet access in certain terrorist beleagured economic disaster areas
has gotten too expensive to have at our night jobs, so the
sourceforget freakouts and what goes in the releases may be farther
apart than previous levels.... read more

Posted by Heroine Virtual 2003-04-18

New releases 4 U

It time again to download new releases. This release is primarily a stability improvement and less a feature expansion.

The biggest change is a return to multiple packages. The multiple packages involve a lot more downloading to get the same functionality of a single package, but the one guy who uses libmpeg3 and quicktime4linux wanted those separated, so now they're separated. Furthermore, version numbering in a single download was a headache.... read more

Posted by Heroine Virtual 2003-02-11

Cinelerra 1.1.0

Finally, Cinelerra 1.1.0 is out. Be sure to stock up on Athlon's and gigabit ethernet. This version crashes at least 10% less than 1.0.0. Instead of being named after the Cinelerra version, the Heroine Virtual download is named after the date. This way there's less confusion about library versions, not that you need to know library versions to get it to run. Unfortunately it won't run on .NET, the X Box, Tablet PC, C#, or WineX. Unfortunately.... read more

Posted by Heroine Virtual 2002-11-08

Play keyframes going away

The play keyframes are going to be removed in 1.1. Since the rendering engine automatically turns off tracks based on their contents and behavior of play keyframes was confusing, they won't be supported anymore.

Posted by Heroine Virtual 2002-10-17

ALSA or not

We've decided not to migrate the ALSA support to the current version of the ALSA library until verson 1 of ALSA comes out.

It's a little known fact that most ALSA drivers support the OSS API with the same result as if you used the ALSA library proper. The behavior of the ALSA API is changing too rapidly with no gain in functionality to justify supporting each incremental change. Documentation, bugfixes, and features could be done instead, with real gains in functionality.

Posted by Heroine Virtual 2002-07-23

Beta 2

Beta 2 finally was released. The current documentation is on the documentation page and don't be surprised if it's too hard to compile. There's no warranty for compilability.

Posted by Heroine Virtual 2002-07-12

Name change

It's getting close to release time and the one guy whose reading this has trouble pronouncing, spelling, or even remembering Cinelerra. We're thinking of renaming it to Broadcast 3.0 or Broadcast 2003 but want to make sure it isn't a step in the wrong direction. Feel free to submit recommendations.

Posted by Heroine Virtual 2002-06-25

Everything folded up

After assessing levels of interest, marketing direction, and
experiencing a CVS erasing filesystem crash we moved forward on the
folding of all code into a single repository. Moved quicktime,
libmpeg3, xmovie, mix2000, and 2 mpeg multiplexing tools into the
cinelerra tree and renamed the one gigantic tree hvirtual. The upside
is Cinelerra compilation only requires exporting CFLAGS instead of
hunting down 5 packages and exporting CFLAGS. The downside is the one
guy who uses Quicktime has to download a bigger package through his
bankrupt ISP's refurbished 1998 reissued cable modem.... read more

Posted by Heroine Virtual 2002-06-21

Beta 1 in 6 days

Cinelerra Beta 1 will be available in 6 days. It will contain the current set of features in whatever state they happen to be in on June 10 and not necessarily a debugged state. The difference between beta 1 and a backup is it's a binary you can download and install. Unfortunately this is still a native Linux program and doesn't take advantage of win32 emulation. There is no warranty, no guarantee of merchantability, no guarantee of support, and no win32 support.

Posted by Heroine Virtual 2002-06-04

Switch to windows

There's been ever increasing pressure to drop Linux and move everything to Windows. #1 developing desktop applications for what industry increasingly pushes as an embedded operating system is a bad career move. #2 for $60 you can run win32 programs on Windows or Linux natively. The $300 for VMWare didn't fly with users. The $200 for a full Windows license was still too expensive. The $0 for wine wasn't worth the crashes. ... read more

Posted by Heroine Virtual 2002-03-27


We didn't switch to C# when we were supposed to. We didn't get an X
Box when we were supposed to. This time though, we're not going to
hell and suffering a death of fire and brimstone for denouncing the
allmighty. We are officially putting the word .NET on a web page.
Mission accomplished.

Posted by Heroine Virtual 2002-02-14

Folding up all code

It was decided a long time ago that Mpeg-2 Movie would be folded into
Cinelerra and only the multiplexer still distributed separately. The
one guy using Mpeg-2 Movie to copy DVD's would have to do it in
Cinelerra using a table of contents instead of copying directly from
the DVD. Since Hollywood video gives discounts for returning DVD's in
24 hours anyways, he's probably better off not copying directly from
the DVD. Copying DVD's without a renderfarm takes too long, besides.... read more

Posted by Heroine Virtual 2002-02-01

RedHat 7.2 released

Red Hat released the first update to their desktop operating system to include XFree86 4.1.0 and GCC 3.0. Consider GCC 3.0 a requirement for compiling anything nowadays since only it supports C99 and if RedHat 7.2 ever appears on Slashdot no-one's going to care about conforming their code to C98 anyway.

Posted by Heroine Virtual 2001-10-22

101401 backup

The focus has been effect support in this one. What dragging operations to support depends on trial and error. Other editing operations appeared, like pasting from the resource window. The emphasis on effects is going to continue for a long time since they seem to affect everything else, followed by an emphasis on recording.

Posted by Heroine Virtual 2001-10-14