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Welcome to the HCFR project wiki!

The project is now fully integrated with the ArgyllCMS colorimeter access code. Please help us by adding tips and improvements to this wiki.

Please get the the latest version here: [Changelog]

Meter Support Notes

Meter Name Notes
i1 Display 1 Driver Required
i1 Display 2 Driver Required
colormunki photo Driver Required
i1 Display 3 Notes
i1 Pro Driver Required + Notes
colormunki display Notes
Spyder 2 Notes
Spyder 3 Driver Required
Spyder 4 Driver Requred + Notes
Huey Driver Required
ColorBob Driver Required

Display Types

Many of the colorimeters have a display type selection parameter. Depending on the instrument, this may combine two related functions: 1) Changing the measurement mode to suite either refresh-type, or non-refresh displays, and 2) Changing the calibration to suite a particular displays spectral characteristics.

A refresh type display uses a technology that presents different portions of the image at different times, doing so at a high enough rate that this is normally imperceptible. This time varying characteristic can interfere with measuring a display color, unless the instrument makes allowances for it, typically by making its measurement period a multiple of the display refresh period. Display types that refresh are CRT (Cathode Ray Tube), Single chip DLP (Digital Light Processing) and Plasma displays. An example of a non-refresh display technology is LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), although is a few cases the back-light illumination may have a low enough frequency flicker to benefit from the refresh mode. (courtesy ArgyllCMS documentation, (c) Graeme Gill)

[Project Aims]


[Feature Requests]

[Developer Notes]





If you feel the program has been of value to you since I started working on it about 3 years ago please consider a contribution via the link below. Thanks!



Wiki: Authors
Wiki: Changelog
Wiki: Developer Notes
Wiki: Driver Support and Instructions
Wiki: Feature Requests
Wiki: Links
Wiki: Project Aims
Wiki: Spyder 2
Wiki: Spyder 4
Wiki: Support
Wiki: Thanks
Wiki: i1 Display 3 & colormunki display
Wiki: i1 Pro