
Retroactive Con Bonus

  • rick peplinski

    rick peplinski - 2004-01-29

    If you lose constitution, I think your hp should be affected by the amount of constitution you lost.  Basically, if your constitution gave you a hp bonus, then you should lose that hp bonus if you no longer have the constitution that made it possible.

    Issue - Multi-class.  Ok, an 18 con triclass, wa/cl/mu for example.  He/she basically earns 2 hp per warrior level (4 automatically + 4 for con divided by 3 for classes), and 1 for cleric (3+2 /3)and 1 for mage (1+2 /3).  Now a tri-class would earn the same amount of hp per level with a 16 con as an 18 con, then it makes no difference at all between 15 and 3, a tri with a 3 constitution will earn the same hp as a tri with 15 con (after the initial 12 levels per class).  I think you can see where I'm going with this, constitution is less important for tris than it is for s/c.  There must be some way of enforcing a penalty for losing a point of con, that isn't just a "reversal" of what con did for them per level.  If we don't, then a retroactive con bonus hurts s/c the most, tri-classes the least which doesn't seem right.

    Issue - Myron.  If a person had a 15 con for the first 4 levels of his career then bought a 16 from Myron, then goes to 15 again on a resurrection at level 25...

    Issue - Myron.  Should buying natural constitution earn you extra hitpoints instantly?  Or can increasing your natural constitution only affect future hp gains, not your current total?

    Issue - Equipment.  Same issue as 2nd Myron issue, only using your current constitution.  Current constitution is natural + effects.  Might make +con items useful again if you can raise your total hp by wearing +con gear.  But it also might mean that people won't worry about what kind of con they have, since they can always purchase the con points and wear +con gear for it to be like they never had a low constitution.

    So now it begs the question of what ramifications will this have?  I think it will have 1 massive ramification. 
    1) Reincarnating down to 3 Constitution is not really a valid option, if there are severe hp penalties with extremely low constitution.

    -Ideaguy, I'm tired and I can't think straight.

    • per storbeck

      per storbeck - 2004-02-20

      I've been thinking about this too, and came up with the same issues. if anyone has any bright ideas, do share.


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