
Hatari / News: Recent posts

Project moved to

The Hatari project has been moved to - the packages on SourceForge are not updated anymore and just kept here for historical reference.

Posted by Thomas Huth 2008-12-19

Hatari version 1.1.0

Version 1.1.0 of the Atari ST/STE/TT/Falcon emulator Hatari has been released.

Emulation changes:

- Falcon DSP emulation good enough to improve some few games/demos, e.g. Virtual City. (most still work better with emulation disabled, though)

- New sound engine that fixes all problems with the old one

- 16-bit stereo sound (instead of 8-bit mono)

- Improved blitter emulation (blitter cycles emulation, blitter interrupt)... read more

Posted by Thomas Huth 2008-11-29

Hatari version 1.0.0

Version 1.0.0 of the Atari ST, STE, TT and Falcon emulator Hatari has been released. A lot of things have been changed this time:

- The user's configuration files are now located in the directory ~/.hatari/
instead of the $HOME directory itself.

- Improved VDI resolution mode (resolution can now be change in small steps).

- The 'Frame Skip 8' option can now be correctly selected, too.

- Fixed some bugs/problems in the GEMDOS HD emulation (with Fopen & Fcreate).... read more

Posted by Thomas Huth 2008-03-17

Hatari version 0.95

Hatari version 0.95 has been released. This release brings you basic Atari TT and Falcon emulation! Please note that both new emulation modes are still highly experiemental,some few games and demos work, but most still have more or less big problems. Basic emulation of Falcon video shifter (Videl), NVRAM and DMA sound is in place. The biggest drawback: There is no working Falcon DSP emulation yet.... read more

Posted by Thomas Huth 2007-05-12

New Hatari mailing lists

There are two new mailing lists for Hatari:
The first mailing list is a list for plain normal users. Since there was only a mailing list for developers until now, I thought it might be a good idea to also create a mailing list for normal users. You can subscribe the user
mailing list at the following page:

The second mailing list is used for logging changes in the CVS repository, so that it is now much easier to stay up to date about changes to the Hatari source code. If you are intersted in these changes, you can subscribe to the mailing list at the following page:... read more

Posted by Thomas Huth 2006-12-29

Hatari version 0.90

Version 0.90 of the Atari ST/STE emulator Hatari has been released. New in this version is the support for Spectrum 512 pictures in 60 Hz screen mode, support for the STE right border trick (e.g. used in the game Obsession), improved blitter emulation (e.g. Pacemaker from Paradox now works!), a native GUI for Mac OS X and of course lots of bugfixes. For more information have a look at the release notes at

Posted by Thomas Huth 2006-08-22

Hatari 0.80

Version 0.80 of the Atari ST emulator Hatari has been released:
- Hatari now supports STE hardware emulation:
STE palette, STE shifter (horizontal fine scrolling, split screen effects), DMA sound and STE joypads.
- Hatari can now emulate up to 14 MiB ST RAM instead of only 4 MiB.
- Support for parallel port joysticks.
- Improved GEMDOS HD emulation (added Fattrib() call).
- Adding and removing a GEMDOS or ACSI hard disk should now work correctly.
- Re-factoring of the screen conversion functions.
- Improved manual: Now with screenshots of the options dialogs.

Posted by Thomas Huth 2005-10-12

Hatari version 0.70

Version 0.70 of the Atari ST emulator Hatari has been released:
- No more crashes when a program tries to access illegal floppy disk sector numbers.
- The built-in ROM cartridge has been improved.
- The IO memory emulation code has been rewritten for better compatibility.
- Support for TOS 1.06 and TOS 1.62 has been added.
- Emulated CPU can now also be run at 16 MHz or 32 MHz.
- File selection dialog is now scrollable with mouse wheel or cursor keys, too.
- Hatari now works on 64-bit host CPUs, too.
- Floppy disk images can now be set writable/write-protected in the GUI.
- Hatari can now also load a global configuration file (e.g. /etc/hatari.cfg).
- Configurable logging functions.

Posted by Thomas Huth 2005-06-05

Hatari version 0.60

Hatari version 0.60 has been released. It is mainly a "bug fix" release, not much new this time except the possibility to load external cartridge ROM images and some improvements in the graphical user interface.

Posted by Thomas Huth 2004-12-19

Hatari Debian packages

Marco Herrn has made a debian package for hatari. One can get it with apt by using the following lines in the /etc/apt/sources.list file:

deb unstable hatari
deb-src unstable hatari


deb testing hatari
deb-src testing hatari

In fact the packages for testing and unstable are exactly the same.
The packages can also be fetched by accessing it directly via http.... read more

Posted by Thomas Huth 2004-10-25

Hatari version 0.50

Version 0.50 of the Atari ST emulator Hatari has been released. This version has support for RS232 emulation and DIM floppy disk images. The GUI has been improved with two new fonts and a new dialog for creating blank floppy disk images.

And - of course - lots of bugs have been fixed (for example in the 68000 emulation) and the source has been optimized for speed a little bit.

Posted by Thomas Huth 2004-07-26

Hatari on new platforms

Hatari 0.45 has been ported to two new platforms:

L. Wood has successfully compiled Hatari on a Zaurus PDA (a SL-C760 with a 400MHz XScale CPU), see:

And Norman Feske has ported Hatari to a L4/Fiasco microkernel system which is running the windowing system DOpE:

So it seems that Hatari is slowly becoming the most widely ported Atari ST emulator at all :-)

Posted by Thomas Huth 2004-01-19

Hatari version 0.45

This is just a minor release on the way to version 0.50 of the Atari ST emulator Hatari.
The following things have been changed since the last release 0.40:

- New build system (with a "configure" shell script).

- A disc image destroying bug in the MSA compression function has been fixed.

- It is now possible to redirect the printer output into a file.

- Experimental MIDI output support.... read more

Posted by Thomas Huth 2003-10-30

Warning: Bug in MSA compression function

Today, I discovered that there is a bug in Hatari's (and WinSTon's) MSA compression function that can destroy MSA disk images in some rare cases.

I have fixed it now in the current CVS version of Hatari. Please also note that all public versions of Hatari including the 0.40 release version and also WinSTon 0.5 are affected by this bug!
So if you want to use MSA disk images with one of these versions, you should either write-protect the disk images or make a backup before using it with Hatari or WinSTon to prevent data loss.

Posted by Thomas Huth 2003-08-06

Hatari version 0.40

Hatari version 0.40 has been released. A lot of bugs have been fixed in the Atari ST emulator and some of the most important changes are that Hatari now features support for ZIP and GZIP compressed disk images and you can now also store your emulator settings in a configuration file.

Other things that have been changed in this release:

- Hatari now works on machines with Sparc CPUs, too.

- Fixed a problem that slowed down the emulator in monochrome mode when using TOS 2.06.... read more

Posted by Thomas Huth 2003-07-12

Hatari 0.30 released

Version 0.30 of the Atari ST emulator Hatari has been released. In this version, the problems with the MFP interrupts have been fixed and the CPU core has been resynced with UAE 0.8.22.
Another big change was that the audio output has been improved.

Posted by Thomas Huth 2003-03-13

Hatari version 0.25

Version 0.25 of the Atari ST emulator Hatari has been released. In this version the support for big endian systems like PowerPC machines has been improved, especially the Spectrum 512 pictures are now working better there. Hatari now also compiles and runs on Mac OS X. Additionally the blitter chip is now beeing emulated, too, and there is also support for big VDI screen resolutions. And finally, you can now save YM and WAV sounds.

Posted by Thomas Huth 2002-12-30

Hatari v.0.20 released

The new version 0.20 of the Atari ST emulator Hatari has been released.
It now features the long awaited graphical user interface for configuring its options, selecting disc images etc.
Hatari now supports real hard disc images (ACSI emulation), too.
And finally you can now also use real PC joystick to play your old ST games with Hatari.

Posted by Thomas Huth 2002-02-19

Hatari Version 0.10 released.

The new version 0.10 now runs more stable, and it
features sound, better CPU cycles emulation and 512 color images support.
There are now also some shortcuts, you can e.g. reset the ST, take a screenshot or switch between fullscreen and windowed mode now.
Hatari now also has a build-in debugger with

Posted by Thomas Huth 2001-08-16

Project started

The Hatari project at Sourceforge started.
Help wanted! If you think that you can help, write an e-mail
to the project administrator (thothy).

Posted by Thomas Huth 2001-06-01