
#5 Branches disappear when branches are expanded or collapsed


I'm working with a database of 5217 nodes, imported from BGP routing tables and cisco configs (or CSVs created from Cisco configs, with subnet and host level entries). When expanding or collapsing branches on the tree a branch being expanded will sometimes disappear. For branches collapsed the observed behavior is more varied. Sometimes the branch which is collapsed will disappear, but sometimes it will disappear and take with it all of the branches at that same level of that root which are lower in the tree (collapsing will get rid of all 10.10.11.x and higher branches, if the is itself a branch of a branch), but might leave 172.x.x.x branches and sub-branches). And sometimes collapsing will cause all branches below it to disappear, including branches which are attached directly to the root.

Private Root
+ Region 1
- Region 1 Site 1
- Region 1 Site 1 Subnet 1 Router interface DHCP server DNS server

With a tree like above collapsing might cause to disappear, or it might cause to disappear, or it might cause both and to disappear, or it might cause all of that PLUS will disappear. If the page is reloaded/refreshed these nodes/leafs/branches GENERALLY come back, but occasionally a logout/login is required.


  • Amadon

    Amadon - 2011-02-23

    Apache Version & build info

  • Amadon

    Amadon - 2011-02-23

    Database counts (per root) and min-max network ID

  • Amadon

    Amadon - 2011-02-23

    Import and root "distribution" info

  • Amadon

    Amadon - 2011-02-23

    perl and mysql versions

  • Amadon

    Amadon - 2011-02-23

    OS & hardware info

  • Amadon

    Amadon - 2011-02-23

    Locale support is disabled to try to get around a similar problem I was seeing on a debian 1 Ghz machine w/ 1GB memory and MOST of the network entries (<4000 networks, but more deletes/adds so max net ID was 14000+). On the debian machine it eventually started logging me out anything I tried to do anything other than expand/contract the tree. The database from the Debian machine was exported to an Ubuntu VM where expanding/contracting nodes would give an error:

    Software error: Can't call method "param" on an undefined value at /var/HaCi/modules/HaCi/GUI/ line 34. For help, please send mail to the webmaster ([no address given] (mailto:[no%20address%20given])), giving this error message and the time and date of the error.

    disabling locale support (not needed for me) got rid of that error, and most of the problem support until the database was reimported from the source files on the CentOS box.

  • larsux

    larsux - 2011-02-25

    Hi Amadon,

    thanks for the detailed description of your problem. Sadly, it's an ugly issue, because it's hard to provoke that "disappear error". I'll do my best to investigate that issue.

    Your "locale" error seems to be a session error. In line 34 of "/var/HaCi/modules/HaCi/GUI/" it tries to get a parameter of the established session. But the session is undefined. That should not happen. Are there any other errors or hints in the error logfile?

    Greets Lars

  • Amadon

    Amadon - 2011-03-01

    I've just gotten another Param error, in line 51 of, while adding and editing a network. Here are the last several UNIQUE lines of var/log/httpd/error_log

    [Mon Feb 28 22:57:41 2011] -e: Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at /var/HaCi/modules/HaCi/GUI/ line 32.
    [Mon Feb 28 22:57:53 2011] -e: flush(): couldn't remove session data: remove(): couldn't unlink '/tmp/cgisess_40b5760432c83f93a95bd4ad8c8eb5e2': No such file or directory at /var/HaCi/modules/HaCi/ line 714.
    [Mon Feb 28 22:57:53 2011] [error] [Mon Feb 28 22:57:53 2011] -e: Can't call method "param" on an undefined value at /var/HaCi/modules/HaCi/GUI/ line 51.\n
    [Mon Feb 28 22:57:57 2011] -e: Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at /var/HaCi/modules/HaCi/GUI/ line 32.
    [Mon Feb 28 22:59:26 2011] -e: flush(): couldn't remove session data: remove(): couldn't unlink '/tmp/cgisess_40b5760432c83f93a95bd4ad8c8eb5e2': No such file or directory at /var/HaCi/modules/HaCi/ line 714.
    [Mon Feb 28 22:59:26 2011] [error] [Mon Feb 28 22:59:26 2011] -e: Can't call method "param" on an undefined value at /var/HaCi/modules/HaCi/GUI/ line 51.\n
    [Mon Feb 28 22:59:27 2011] -e: Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at /var/HaCi/modules/HaCi/GUI/ line 32.

    Next time I have a branches disappear I'll check that same log again.

  • larsux

    larsux - 2011-03-01

    Okay, those uninitialized warnings appear because you disabled locale support. But those errors shouldn't be the reason for your disappear errors. I've attached a patch for the file 'modules/HaCi/GUI/' that should fix those warnings.

    Those session errors are not okay:
    - flush(): couldn't remove session data: remove(): couldn't unlink '/tmp/cgisess_40b5760432c83f93a95bd4ad8c8eb5e2': No such file or directory
    - Can't call method "param" on an undefined value
    Has the executing user (www-data?) enough permissions to write into /tmp?
    If you don't want the user write into /tmp, I can make you a patch so that you can define a session directory.

    Greets, Lars

  • larsux

    larsux - 2011-03-01

    Patch for locale warnings (modules/HaCi/GUI/

  • Amadon

    Amadon - 2011-03-01

    ls -l / | grep tmp
    drwxrwxrwt 6 root root 4096 Mar 1 04:02 tmp

    plus there are a bunch of session files...

  • Amadon

    Amadon - 2011-03-02

    Over the last couple of days the branches of the tree only disappear when the error on line 51 is generated. I haven't had them disappear without throwing an error since last week.

    Here are the printable bytes from the request which generated an error on line 51, followed by the printable bytes from the request on reload/refresh which worked without error (copied from wireshark). At the end we have the Apache error log at the time of the error. Hostnames have been removed. Several times before the error which was captured a similar error occured. 2 times the same /tmp/cgisess_40b5760432c83f93a95bd4ad8c8eb5e2 file was referenced, and at least once /tmp/cgisess_835e2b024aa7f18527e51e547fbab877 was the cause of the error. This was all during a single login session, so I would expect the session IDs to be the same. I'd also expect them to match the CGISESS mentioned in the cookies from the capture, but they don't.

    Caused error:
    POST /cgi-bin/HaCi.cgi HTTP/1.1
    Host: ****.****.com
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110218 Firefox/3.6.14 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0C)
    Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
    Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
    Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
    Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
    Keep-Alive: 115
    Connection: keep-alive
    Referer: http://\****.****.com/cgi-bin/HaCi.cgi
    Cookie: a62f1d92f4f620b73820dadb1c52e9c0; ipplanCustomer=36; ipplanGroup=WANAdmin; CGISESSID=d13ec1b7cc8f1582374f9336b49fd6d0
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Content-Length: 101


    Didn't cause error:
    POST /cgi-bin/HaCi.cgi HTTP/1.1
    Host: ****.****.com
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110218 Firefox/3.6.14 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0C)
    Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
    Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
    Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
    Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
    Keep-Alive: 115
    Connection: keep-alive
    Referer: http://\****.****.com/cgi-bin/HaCi.cgi
    Cookie: a62f1d92f4f620b73820dadb1c52e9c0; ipplanCustomer=36; ipplanGroup=WANAdmin; CGISESSID=d13ec1b7cc8f1582374f9336b49fd6d0
    Cache-Control: max-age=0
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Content-Length: 101


    [Wed Mar 2 12:26:32 2011] -e: flush(): couldn't remove session data: remove(): couldn't unlink '/tmp/cgisess_40b5760432c83f93a95bd4ad8c8eb5e2': No such file or directory at /var/HaCi/modules/HaCi/ line 714.
    [Wed Mar 02 12:26:32 2011] [error] [Wed Mar 2 12:26:32 2011] -e: Can't call method "param" on an undefined value at /var/HaCi/modules/HaCi/GUI/ line 51.\n

  • larsux

    larsux - 2014-10-27

    The CGI::Session errors seem to be a bug in the perl module. I also get these errors, but very unpredictable. I'll check, if I can substitute this module by another.

    I hope the disappearing issue is already fixed by the newest version.

    Kind regards,