Anil K M - 2009-05-11

Hai all,

I have done GXSM and SRanger installation on Ubuntu 8.10 platform. I am sharing a document that I made for the same.

1. Ubuntu 8.10 installation

The installation CD is inside the CD cover with ‘UBUNTU 8.10 DESKTOP EDITION’.

• Insert the CD and restart the computer with CD boot as first option.
• Then follow the installation instructions.
• Partition size for Ubuntu 8.10 need not be greater than 40GB.

Note: System memory needs to be at least 256MB for installing Ubuntu 8.10. Otherwise, installation fails after few steps.

  1. GXSM installation

Reference: GXSM manual and

This installation is to be done on Ubuntu 8.10 or any other Linux versions. We have done the installation on Ubuntu 8.10.

• GXSM manual is available to download at
• Download the package ‘gxsm_2009-03-19-1_i386.deb’ from
• Double click on the package, a ‘Package Installer - gxsm’ will pop up.
• Click on ‘Install Package’.
• Once the package is installed, open ApplicationAccessoriesTerminal
• Run ‘gxsm2 –h no’. The option ‘–h no’ means there is no hardware, i.e. SRanger DSP board, connected.
• An error will come mentioning ‘ cannot be opened’. Open SystemAdministrationSynaptic Package Manager and search for ‘libfftw3’. Click on ‘libfftw3-3’, ‘libfftw3-dev’ and ‘libfftw3-doc’ and tick on ‘Mark for installation’. Now click on ‘Apply’ to download and install the packages.
• Run ‘gxsm2 –h no’ again. An error mentioning ‘ cannot be opened’ will come. Open SystemAdministrationSynaptic Package Manager and search for ‘libnetcdf’. Click on ‘libnetcdf4’, ‘netcdfg-dev’ and ‘libnetcdf-dev’ and tick on ‘Mark for installation’. Now click on ‘Apply’ to download and install the packages.
• Run ‘gxsm2 –h no’ again. If installation is proper, GXSM will pop up. Success!!!
3. SRanger installation

Reference: SRanger manual and

This installation is to be done on Ubuntu 8.10 or any other Linux versions. We have done the installation on Ubuntu 8.10.

• SRanger manual is available to download at
• Go to page 10 of the SRanger manual. Ubuntu 8.10 will have Linux Kernel 2.6.x, hence the steps given under ‘2.1.2 Quick-start – Linux 2.6.x’ should be followed for installing SRanger.
• The first step is to do the CVS checkout for SRanger. Detailed steps are given at . (Note that Synaptic Package Manager should be closed while doing CVS checkout)
• Now change to ‘SRanger’ directory and run ‘./autogen’. Error will come as the following packages are missing
1. libtool >= 1.4
2. autoconf >= 2.54
3. automake >= 1.10.1
4. glib-gettextsize >=2.10.0
5. intltool >=0.30
• Open SystemAdministrationSynaptic Package Manager and search for ‘libtool’. Click on ‘libtool 2.2.4-0ubuntu4’ and tick on ‘Mark for installation’. Now click on ‘Apply’ to download and install the package.
• Open SystemAdministrationSynaptic Package Manager and search for ‘autoconf’. Click on ‘autoconf 2.61-7ubuntu1’ and tick on ‘Mark for installation’. Now click on ‘Apply’ to download and install the package.
• Open SystemAdministrationSynaptic Package Manager and search for ‘glib-gettextsize’. Click on ‘libglibmm-2.4-dev 2.18.1-1’ and tick on ‘Mark for installation’. Now click on ‘Apply’ to download and install the package.
• Open SystemAdministrationSynaptic Package Manager and search for ‘intltool’. Click on ‘intltool 0.40.5-0ubuntu1’ and tick on ‘Mark for installation’. Now click on ‘Apply’ to download and install the package.
• Run ‘./autogen’ now. As ‘g++, c++, etc..’ are missing, again it will give error.
• Open SystemAdministrationSynaptic Package Manager and search for ‘g++’. Click on ‘g++’ and tick on ‘Mark for installation’. Now click on ‘Apply’ to download and install the package.
• Run ‘./autogen’ now. If it runs successfully the last line will be ‘Now type ‘make’ to compile the SRanger Linux Project / GXSM.’
• Open SystemAdministrationSynaptic Package Manager and search for ‘curser.h’. Click on ‘libcdk5-dev’ and tick on ‘Mark for installation’. Now click on ‘Apply’ to download and install the package.
• Open SystemAdministrationSynaptic Package Manager and search for ‘libgnomeui’. Click on ‘libgnomeuimm-2.6-dev’ and tick on ‘Mark for installation’. Now click on ‘Apply’ to download and install the package.
• Open SystemAdministrationSynaptic Package Manager and search for ‘gtkdatabox.h’. Click on ‘libgtkdatabox-0.8.2-dev’ and tick on ‘Mark for installation’. Now click on ‘Apply’ to download and install the package.
• Run ‘make’ now.
• Change to ‘modules-2.6.x’ directory.
• Run ‘sudo make -C /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.27-7-generic/ SUBDIRS=$PWD modules’.
• Run ‘sudo make -C /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.27-7-generic/ SUBDIRS=$PWD modules_install’.
• This step is only required for SRanger-STD, not for SRanger-SP2. If SRanger-STD is used, this step downloads firmware into the DSP. And without firmware DSP can’t be loaded with application software. In the SRanger manual, on page 11, it is explained with title ‘2.1.3 Signal Ranger-STD firmware loader setup’. For doing this, first download ‘fxload-sr-i386.bz2’ from and unzip it using bunzip. Now place it in ‘/usr/local/sbin’ directory (Note: while copying, simple ‘cp source target’ will not work. It should be ‘sudo cp source target’ as target, i.e. /usr/local/sbin, is system file directory.) Run ‘lsusb’ to find out the address of SRanger-STD. This will return all the USB devices in a list. The device shown with ‘ID 0a59:0100’ will be SRanger-STD. For example if ‘Bus 005 Device 002: ID 0a59:0100’ is one of the rows, then Bus 005 Device 002 is the SRanger-STD address. In short ‘Bus 00x Device 00y: ID 0a59:0100’ means 00x/00y is the address required to load firmware. Now check where the USB devices are listed. It could be either in ‘/proc/bus/usb’ or ‘/dev/bus/usb/’. If the SRanger-STD address is 00x/00y, the device could be found at either ‘/proc/bus/usb/00x/00y’ or ‘/dev/bus/usb/00x/00y’. When USB connector of SRanger-STD is disconnected from the computer, if the device disappear (i.e., either ‘/proc/bus/usb/00x/00y’ or ‘/dev/bus/usb/00x/00y’), the device path is correct. Now run the following instruction to download firmware into SRanger-STD,

sudo /usr/local/sbin/fxload-sr-i386 -I SRangerFx -D /dev/bus/usb/00x/00y

If this instruction is executed successfully, the ‘SRanger-STD LED’s color will change from RED to ORANGE. Also the device ‘sranger0’ will be available at ‘/dev/’ directory, i.e., /dev/sranger0 will be available.
• SRanger installation is now complete. Success!!!
• In order to start GXSM and SRanger for STM/AFM, follow ‘GXSM & SRanger start up procedure’ given below.
4. GXSM & SRanger start up procedure

Steps for loading sranger0 in Kernel,
1. sudo /usr/local/sbin/fxload-sr-i386 -I SRangerFx -D /proc/bus/usb/00x/00y (only for SR-STD)
2. cd /home/ashwin/sranger_stuff/SRanger_download_28_02_06/SRanger_comp/modules-2.6.x/
3. sudo rmmod usb-sranger.ko
4. sudo insmod usb-sranger.ko
5. sudo chmod a+rw /dev/sranger0
6. cd ../loadusb/
7. ./loadusb ../TiCC-project-files/FB_spmcontrol/Debug/FB_spmcontrol.out

Steps after sranger0 is loaded in Kernel,
1. Go to the home directory and make a directory (only for the first time) named ‘spm_experiments’.
2. Now change to ‘spm_experiments’ directory.
3. Make a date directory here (like ‘06_May_09’) and change to the date directory.
4. Run ‘gxsm2’
Settings for monitoring AIC's,
1. Change to ‘SRanger/TiCC-project-files/FB_spmcontrol/python_scripts/’ directory
2. Run ‘python’
Quick Installation

In order to install a package, for example ‘intltool 0.40.5-0ubuntu1’, go to SystemAdministrationSynaptic Package Manager and search for ‘intltool’. Click on ‘intltool 0.40.5-0ubuntu1’ and tick on ‘Mark for installation’. Now click on ‘Apply’ to download and install the package.

  1. Quick installation steps for GXSM

• First install the following packages,
1. libfftw3-3
2. libfftw3-dev
3. libfftw3-doc
4. libnetcdf4
5. netcdfg-dev, and
6. libnetcdf-dev
• Download the package ‘gxsm_2009-03-19-1_i386.deb’.
• Install the package.
• Run ‘gxsm2 –h no’. If installation is proper, GXSM will pop up. Success!!!

  1. Quick installation steps for SRanger – STD/SP2

• First install the following packages,
1. libtool 2.2.4-0ubuntu4
2. autoconf 2.61-7ubuntu1
3. libglibmm-2.4-dev 2.18.1-1
4. intltool 0.40.5-0ubuntu1
5. g++
6. libcdk5-dev
7. libgnomeuimm-2.6-dev, and
8. libgtkdatabox-0.8.2-dev
• Checkout the ‘SRanger’ CVS.
• Change to ‘SRanger’ directory and run ‘./autogen’ and ‘make’.
• Change to ‘modules-2.6.x’ directory.
• Run ‘sudo make -C /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.27-7-generic/ SUBDIRS=$PWD modules’.
• Run ‘sudo make -C /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.27-7-generic/ SUBDIRS=$PWD modules_install’.
• Download ‘fxload-sr-i386.bz2’ and bunzip it to ‘/usr/local/sbin’ directory (This step is only required for SRanger - STD).
• Run ‘lsusb’ to find out ‘x – Bus number’ and ‘y – Device number’ of SRanger ‘ID 0a59:0100’ (This step is only required for SRanger - STD).
• Run ‘sudo /usr/local/sbin/fxload-sr-i386 -I SRangerFx -D /dev/bus/usb/00x/00y’. The ‘SRanger-STD LED’s color will change from RED to ORANGE. (This step is only required for SRanger - STD).
• SRanger installation is now complete. Success!!!
Hope it helps

Anil K M