
Trouble understanding masks

  • Geoff Hutchison

    Geoff Hutchison - 2017-06-30


    I've been trying out Gwyddion and pygwy for some automated data processing in our lab. So far, things are great and the examples have been really helpful (e.g.,

    I have a similar need to the tutorial script - go through a bunch of files, flatten, get some statistics, and save PNG images.

    My problem is that I can see that the files have masks (i.e., for invalid points) but the data_field.get_stats() doesn't consider that. I can see that there are methods to exclude masked points.. I just can't figure out how to get the mask for a particular data_field / channel in my container.

    Google searching didn't turn up much. If it's obvious, please just point me to the docs.


  • David Nečas

    David Nečas - 2017-07-02

    The mask corresponding to image /N/data is stored under /N/mask (see the GWY file description in the user guide). Note that the mask may or may not exist so you usually need to handle both possibilities

    if container.contains_by_name('/0/mask'):
        mask = container['/0/mask']
        # do something with the mask
        # do something appropriate when ther is no mask

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