
Dimensions and Units

  • Alexander Ramirez

    Hi, I'm a newbie with Gwyddion.
    I have an image taken with a camera, because I have some particles of a few millimeters that I need to analyze.
    But I do not know how to configure the scale, with other programs I used a photographic, taken under the same conditions, of a pachimeter; but I do not know how to do it in the Gwyddion.

  • David Nečas

    David Nečas - 2017-12-21

    Use the Distance tool to measure the reference length in the image -- getting some incorrect number. Divide the actual length with this number to get the scaling factor.

    Now you can correct the image by using this factor in Dimensions and Units.

    If you have multiple images taken in the same conditions, it is better to use the factor to obtain the size of entire image in physical units and enter that directly in the image import dialogue. Image import remembers parameters betwen invocations so until the conditions change you only need to enter the physical dimensions once.


    Last edit: David Nečas 2017-12-21

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