
#235 Metric Megabytes

GUI (32)
John Foerch

It would be easier to set up search-filters according
to size if the reported sizes and transfer speeds were
given in metric, where mega means 1,000,000 and kilo
means 1,000. There is admitedly much historical
precedent for using Kilo and Mega to mean 2^10 and
2^20, but this is an accident of history, and I can't
see any advantage to it. For the binary powers there
is the kibi/mebi system, as used by a very few
programs. I appreciate their exactitude but powers of
10 are good enough for me. Thanks for the awesome program!


  • Christian Biere

    Christian Biere - 2004-12-20

    Logged In: YES

    In my opinion, Megabyte, Kilobyte etc. shouldn't be used at
    all for the next 50-100
    year until everybody forgot that it once meant something
    else than 10^x bytes. If everybody uses "Megabytes" with a
    different meaning that's the worst.
    Yes, we should change KB -> KiB, MB -> MeB, GB -> GiB etc.
    However, I assume your request is rather about a better
    possibility to edit the size filter. Spinbuttons
    don't make sense here. These should be normal entries and we
    should accept suffixes such as MB, MiB etc.

  • Christian Biere

    Christian Biere - 2004-12-20
    • assigned_to: nobody --> cbiere
  • Christian Biere

    Christian Biere - 2004-12-21

    Logged In: YES

    This is implemented in current CVS:

    The GUI uses SI prefixes according to IEC 60027-2 (2000-11)
    Ed. 2.0 everywhere now. In the search filter dialog you can
    use base10 suffixes KB, MB, GB etc. as well as base2 KiB,
    MiB, GiB etc.

  • Christian Biere

    Christian Biere - 2004-12-21
    • status: open --> closed

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