
#219 Rescan for devices not working properly


I have a problem with rescan for new devices.
Sometimes I start gscan2pdf before switching the printer on. (silly, but allas)
Of course gscan2pdf doesnt find a device and comes up empty.
I found the "rescan for devices" entry in the compbox. But it doesn't do anything. There is no
visual activity.

UX-wise It also doesn't make sense. I would expect an OK button to confirm the action in the dropdownbox. Or a better implementation: If the list is empty, and I open the scan dialog again, it goes through the same procedure as on startup to detect scanners.


  • Jeffrey Ratcliffe

    The problem is in the Perl bindings for SANE, not gscan2pdf. The patch in this bug report fixes things for me:

    If you are using ubuntu, then you can use the patched version in the ppa.

    I have been asked to rename the Perl bindings for SANE. I am rewriting them at the same time. As soon as it is all working as expected, I'll release them, as well a new version of gscan2pdf to use the new library and then close this bug.

  • Jeffrey Ratcliffe

    The new Perl bindings for SANE (Image::Sane) fix this. These are used in gscan2pdf v1.8.3, released as soon as I can. Please select the fronted libimage-sane-perl gscan2pdf to use the new bindings.

  • Jeffrey Ratcliffe

    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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